Monday, June 13, 2011

Aliens Moon

Ufo Facts 19542009

Short UFO fact: [Curious details suggesting the visit our planet in ancient times of extraterrestrial travelers can be found in the presence of technological items which are far too advanced for the cultures in which they are discovered. Sandal-and-loincloth cultures in the Americas and the Middle East appear to have mastered the creation of aluminum (refined from bauxite--a highly complex process) and platinum (which requires temperatures of thousands of degrees). Yet these very same civilizations clearly had no knowledge of more elemental technology, such as the wheel. Was this knowledge "imparted" by non-terrestrial creatures to a "priesthood" of primitive humans, who surrounded the knowledge (and perhaps the non-terrestrial devices needed to apply it) under the panoply of esoteric knowledge and mystery cults?]

Second Plane Crash A Rare View From Inside

Ufo Information

Short UFO fact: [In 1976, braving desert sands, Polisario terrorists, and suspicious Algerian security forces, Spanish researchers Jorge Blaschke, Rafael Brancas and Julio Mart?nez reached the Tassili Massif to conduct a systematic study of the enigmatic cave drawings. In the course of their research, they were stunned to find a clear depiction of a helmeted and suited figure, linked by a tether to the interior of a large, spherical object, leading three human females toward it. Dr. Mart?nez noticed that the artist had taken great care in showing the women: one of them an adolescent, the other a mother carrying a child, and the third a visibly pregnant woman. Could this be representative of the genetic experiments which are allegedly still being conducted in our days by large-headed Greys.]

Ufo Lithuania July Same As Bristol And Germany

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Tags: alien report  alien mexico  footage documentary  ufos area  kevin radio  billy meier  aliens pictures  alien intruders  roswell area  real alian  real video  


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