Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Aliens And Spaceships

Invisible Alien Extraterrestrial

Short UFO fact: [AQUARIUS Project A Top Secret project that was started in 1953 and was set up to accumulate as much data as possible about alien life forms and to distribute the collected information to the relevant projects. Its existence was revealed by WILLIAM MOORE when he released three pages of a "Project Aquarius Executive Briefing Document" to the public.]

Ufo Grazing Wtc Building

Latest Ufo Contact Pictures

Short UFO fact: [AREA 33 Is technical area at Los Alamos National Laboratories is the most remote area in the main Los Alamos complex. It was once used for explosive tests and is now employed for a variety of low intensity scientific activities, including the area's most obvious feature, a impressive NRAO radiotelescope. Apart from an internet report of alien artifacts being kept below ground at TA-33, there appears to be nothing particularly secret or unusual about the site.]

Ufo Hunters Episode S02e03 Heartland Explosion 15

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Ufo Crashed

The Trinidade Island Photographs

Short UFO fact: [22 Mar 1993, Armadale, Jenny was driving along when she noticed a very bright light, like a white flare, ahead of her. It was falling towards the ground. As she got closer to it she saw it was spherical, with a smaller sphere on either side. As Jenny drew still closer, the lights moved to the right over waste ground. The car radio started to crackle and went dead, and the car's lights dimmed. She pulled the car over to the side of the road for a better look. As she drove off the car's radio returned to normal. The object simply disappeared. Duration, 3 minutes.]

Rea 51 33

Ufo 1994

Short UFO fact: [Jul/Aug 1991, Halls Creek, Dean was travelling on his motor bike when he saw an unusual object, as did the occupants of 2 cars who had stopped to watch it. At this point the engine of his bike cut out. He dismounted to look for a fault. He then remembers kick starting the bike and continuing on his way. How ever, when he arrived at his destination which had only been 10 minutes travel from his starting point, he was amazed to find that it was 2 hours later. Later that night he found a fresh scar on the back of his left ankle.]

Top Secret Ufos With Bob Lazar 2 Of 6

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Pascagoula Alien

Ufo Merchandise

Short UFO fact: [

A type Abduction scenario is as follows :

* Abductee is driving...or at home sleeping...etc. * Sees a UFO at close Rnage first and then Very close * UFO flashes a Beam of light on the subject... * Subject is floated from the base(Home,Car,Roadside etc.) to the UFO. * Experiments performed. * Subject is back where he was,and has no Account or memory of what had happened in between that time. * Subject has vivid dreams in coming months about UFOs or may completely forget the incident...]

What Is Really Hidden On Planet Mars Part1

Ufo Moscow

Short UFO fact: [In many cases,there is indeed some physical evidence to Abduction reports.Implants have been taken out from various abductees and strange looking marks have appeared overnight in patients without any cause,with geometrical shapes and size associated with them.Dr. Roger Leir's Alien and Scalpel describes such things in details...Please read if you want to know the details]

Ufo Moscow 1 Jul 2001 430 Am

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Aliens Pics Real

Alien Abduction Videos

Short UFO fact: [GRAILS are saurian 'grey' type entities which are apparently somewhat taller than the usually-encountered greys yet with extremely thin 'rail-like' torso and limbs yet very strong (Draconian). ]

Ufo Assorted Clips

Ufo Site

Short UFO fact: [GREYS/GRAYS are the most common type of alien seen in CLOSE ENCOUNTER cases. Height varies from two feet to five feet, are humanoid, and usually have black bug-like eyes, little or no nose and a small slit for a mouth.]

Ufo France April 27 2007

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