Saturday, September 4, 2010

Alien Crop Circle

Alien Pics 2

Short UFO fact: [At sunset on July 17, 1956, Miles Oman, a farmer in Jasper, Colorado, was getting ready to call it a day. He was walking back to his house when this strange, oval-shaped object in the sky caught his eye. It looked like a spaceship. The object zipped across the sky and was gone. This sighting kicked off one of the most amazing UFO incidents in the history of the world. For approximately two months, the town of Jasper and the surrounding areas experienced one unusual event after another. Scientists rushed in to investigate, reporters rushed in looking for stories, and government officials rushed in to keep it a secret from the world. ]

Stephenville Ufo Video

Alien Sightings 2

Short UFO fact: [Twenty three lights moved steadily in the night-sky of Witbank, South Africa on Friday March 6 2009 -- and scores of residents in nearby Middelburg also saw them. They called in the police, who filmed the odd formation of lights on their cellphones. And last weekend, the two police officers saw similar lights again -- this time they counted a pattern in formation of 23 lights, coming back from Witbank. ]

Ufo Over Germany 22108 Part Ii Orange Cloud

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Crop Circle

Ufos And Aliens

Short UFO fact: [US Government paid for study on the possible implications on space discoveries including alien artifacts. This is where it became policy of NASA to not release any discoveries of any alien artifacts to the public in order to keep a status quo in our society. It was believed in the early 60's that this type of discovery would end our civilization as we know it.]

Out Look Of Alex Collier From A Greys Prospective

Ufos Books

Short UFO fact: [BURROWERS is another mutation of the saurian or serpent race that is capable of burrowing through the earth. Possibly quadrupedal as well as be-pedal, these have been known to use their natural 'boring' abilities to create artificial tunnels like moles, or even spontaneously produced 'cave-ins' (the latter has allegedly been used in attempts to entrap or kill unsuspecting intruders into the underground domains). These may possess a highly- developed 'bio-sensing' system (Draconian).]

Ufo Sighting

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Real Space Videos

Roswell Ufo Photos 2

Short UFO fact: [Alien Abduction. Some people claim to have been taken against their will by beings from another world. Some believe this to be a real life experience, while others feel that the event can be explained by dream states, sleep paralysis, or other psychological conditions.]

Mars Nasa Cover Up Pt 2

The Alien 2

Short UFO fact: [Area 51-a super-secret Air Force Base located on the Nevada Test Range. It has several other names, including Groom Lake. The name "Area 51" came from the fact that the site was labeled as "Area 51" on old Atomic Energy Commission maps. The name "Groom Lake" comes from the fact that the base's runway, the longest runway in the world, is located in a dry lake bed named Groom Lake.]

Ufo Texas Cnn Reports

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Nasa On Ufo

Ufo 2001

Short UFO fact: [April 25, 1952. Dr. W (biochemist) and Dr. Y (bacteriologist), both employed by a private company, about 11:00 a.m. were driving to their office when Y saw something odd overhead that seemed to be moving against the wind. The distance was estimated to be about 50 ft, and the disc appeared to be 4-5 feet in diameter The wobble allowed them to judge the thickness as about 1.5 feet as the disc proceeded directly over their heads, continuing to rotate and wobble. ]

2012 Judgment Day And The Marsearth Connection 1 Of 8

Ufo Art Pics

Short UFO fact: [Early in the 1952 UFO sighting wave two discs approached and paced a B-36 bomber in the vicinity of Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona. On May 1, 1952, Major Rudy Pestalozzi, a base intelligence officer, along with an airman, looked up as a B-36 flew overhead and saw two shiny discs overtake the bomber, slow to its speed and position themselves alongside. ]

Real Ufo Sight And Filmed

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Underwater Ufo

Ufo Websites

Short UFO fact: [January 7, 1948, would be a day of tragedy for Captain Thomas F. Mantell of the Kentucky Air National Guard, and his family, friends, and fellow Guardsmen. The Mantell case will forever be an important part of the hotbed of UFO reports of the late 1940's and early 1950's. Mantell was piloting an F-51 that fateful day, soaring to Standiford Air Force Base, Kentucky. He was accompanied by three other Guard planes. At approximately 1:30 PM, the Kentucky State Police began receiving reports from worried citizens of spotting a large circular object flying over the city of Mansville. In a matter of minutes the area of the sightings expanded to cover Irvington and Owensboro.This large, metallic flying craft was then clearly seen from the tower of Godman Air Force Base. The object was described as being an extremely large, round, whitish in color, with a red light toward its bottom side, and seemed to be moving slowly toward the South. ]

Ufo France Contact Ufo

Alien Abduction Tape

Short UFO fact: [What happened to the Roswell saucer debris? An uncertified, but controversial document might provide an answer. Supposedly a brief prepared for then President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, this document was authored on November 18, 1952. It asserts that on September 24, 1947, President Harry S. Truman ordered the genesis of the highly top-secret "Operation Majestic-12," to study the remains of the Roswell crash. These papers would arrive in a plain manilla envelope, postmarked Albuquerque, in the post of Los Angeles television producer Jaime Shandera in December 1984. In the early part of 1987, another copy was given to Timothy Good, a British ufologist. These documents caused quite a stir, but their authenticity cannot be established beyond doubt. The jury is still out on the MJ-12 papers, but many ufologists view it as a hoax. The issue itself is not insurmountable, however, as a huge amount of evidence still remains to establish the Roswell crash as a reality.]

Top Secret Ufos With Bob Lazar 1 Of 6

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