Sunday, October 3, 2010

Undefined Flying Objects

Latest Ufo Pictures 2

Short UFO fact: [Some people say that when they return from a UFO sighting, they found that a period of time had passed which he or she couldn't account for. This can be minutes, hours, or even days which are unaccounted for. This is the phenomena of missing time.]

Ufo Assorted Clips

Moon Ufo Photo 2

Short UFO fact: [MOGUL PROJECT is a project held in 1947. It was a top secret project wich purpose was to reveal soundwves from secret nuclear tests in Soviet, using big balloons. One of this balloons is claimed by the military to be the so called UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico.]

Ufo France April 27 2007

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Arizona Area 51

Ufo Footage Chicago 2005

Short UFO fact: [In 1952 Project Blue Book replaces Project Grudge. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) becomes first long-term private UFO association. Second major American sighting wave centered on Washington, D.C.; many radar/visual sightings quietly admitted by Air Force to be unexplained. ]

Rea 51 23

Ovni Pictures

Short UFO fact: [In 1953 CIA-sponsored Robertson Panel of scientists concludes UFOs are probably all mistakes. Harvard astronomer Donald Menzel becomes highly vocal spokesman for those opposed to study of UFOs. George Adamski emerges as leading "contactee", claiming to have traveled to unknown worlds with benevolent spacemen. ]

U F O Flying Saucer Destroys Warhead

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Pre Flight Ufo Photos

Ufo Real Photos

Short UFO fact: [June 6, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) 9:05-9:08 p.m. Williams, Jones and others in UFO observation and triangulation network tracked a hovering orange object about 30-70 ft in diameter, 2 mils angular size, 1 mile above ground, 3 miles S of the observation post, 4-1/2 miles S of the Plotting Center, which suddenly started moving in level flight then exploded in a shower of particles. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) ]

The Energy 106 Alien Abductions Belfast

Roswell New Mexico Area 51

Short UFO fact: [May 8, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) 10:08-10:17 p.m. Lt. Mardell Ward, at the Army's UFO observation post, and 2 other posts sighted brilliant diamond-shaped object to the W moving NW or NE at 1,600 ft altitude slowly dropping. Severe radio intereference during sighting, none afterward. (FOIA; Jan Aldrich; Loren Gross Jan-Jun 1949 Supp p. 80, erroneously put at Los Alamos) 9 mins realtime triangulation ]

Ufo Hunters Invasion Illinois Pt 55

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Circle Book

Flying Disc

Short UFO fact: [31 Aug 1954 Goulburn, Lt O'Farrell was flying a Sea Fury aircraft, and noticed a very bright light closing fast from the "1 o'clock" position. The light crossed ahead of him, and continued to a position on his port beam where it appeared to orbit. At the same time he noticed a second and similar light at "nine o'clock" which made a pass ahead of him and then turned in the position where the first light had been sighted. The pilot contacted Nowra radar who confirmed they had 3 echoes on screen. The two bright lights reformed at "nine o'clock" and disappeared on a north-easterly heading. (1.Australian National Archives file number MP926/1 Control Symbol 3079/101/1 titled Unidentified Objects (Flying Saucers sighted by Navy Pilot over Goulburn.) ]

Ufo Spotted In Russia Flv

How To Make A Crop Circle

Short UFO fact: [Jul 1952 Near Sydney Captain Bob Jackson of ANA, with more than 8000 flying hours, was flying near Worinora Dam when he suddenly saw a flash of light. He watched an object with an orange tail flash past towards the coast. Air Traffic Control did not have any radar contact with the object. About two minutes later the object re-appeared, circled the aircraft, and then vanished towards the coast. ]

Giant Ufo In Yukon Territory 1996 1 5

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