Saturday, March 5, 2011

Crop Circle Theories

The Grays From Ufo 3

Short UFO fact: [Tulli Papyrus, 15th century, from the reign of Thutmose III, translated from hieratic Egyptian, describes "flaming circles" seen in the sky during the New Kingdom era of Egypt. These "circles" emitted a foul odor, and after they departed, there was a rain of fish and 'volatiles' (meteorites?) The scroll was originally the property of Alberto Tulli, who managed the Vatican Museum's Egyptological collection. (Inquiries to the Vatican have cast some doubts on the authenticity of the manuscript.) The Intermediate periods in Egypt (between the Old and Middle, and Middle and New Kingdoms) were marked by multiple cataclysms and strange aerial occurences. Indeed, there are many parallels between the strange events and the plagues described in the Biblical Book of Exodus.]


The Ufo Flying 3

Short UFO fact: [The three most well known stories in the Bible that suggest UFO-like encounters are the stories of the Exodus, Ezekiel, and Enoch. But there are others. Many researchers, such as Morris K. Jessup, have discussed the "pillar of the Lord" seen leading the Hebrews out of Egypt and pointed out its UFOlike properties. Others have discussed Jacob's heavenly ladder as a possible sighting. Yet others are convinced that the four 'living' beings who 'moved like wheels' and 'burned like bronze' seen by Ezekiel were UFOs. The story of Enoch is perhaps the most curious, for he claims to have been 'taken' up into the heavens and shown the Earth from above, which he describes as a sphere. His book in the Bible is apocryphal (and hence its authenticity disputed.) Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem and the cloud which descended upon Jesus on Mount Tabor may have been UFOs as well, and some daring authors declare his parentage may have been extraterrestrial, rather than divine.]

Ufo German

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Nazi Ufo

Area 51 Movie

Short UFO fact: [May 7, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) 7:40 p.m. Lt. Mardell Ward, at the Army's UFO observation post, and another observation site, spotted a brilliant white diamond-shaped object at triangulated location 15,000 ft away at 1,000 ft 57 secs 2+ real-time triangulation altitude headed NW. Object was tracked for 57 seconds as it traveled 20 miles (at 1,300 mph) while changing color from white to reddish to greenish as it dropped altitude and dimmed then disappeared. No sound. (FOIA; Jan Aldrich; Loren Gross Jan-Jun 1949 Supp p. 79, erroneously put at Los Alamos) ]

Nasa Sts 115 Space Shuttle Ufo 1 19092006

Area 51 Ufo Cover

Short UFO fact: [May 6, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) UFO observation network using Army artillery observers (Ward?), established 2 days earlier, tracks its first object. (FOIA; Jan Aldrich) real-time triangulation? ]

Ufo Probes Footage Global Ufos Caught On Video And Photographed

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Mass Ufo Sighting In Trumbull County Ohio

Mass Ufo Sighting In Trumbull County Ohio Image
Another case to add to the UFO casebook is the TRUMBULL MASS UFO COUNTY CASE IN OHIO. This was a massive sighting between hundreds of people in the county area all seeing the same flying object. Interestingly in this case a few police officers that were called to investigate the scene all reported the same as well.

"The object was a large flying structure and quiet and occasionally flashed different coloured lights including red, yellow, blue and green."

"- "Common Report

The first officer on the scene claimed when following the object that it even turned off his car and hovered above him for a short while before silently moving on. He claimed he had never seen anything like it.. The videos below is about this case.

"I could see a main structure off the main part of the lighting."

- Police Unit

The UFO did not even show up on the FFA Traffic Control Tower..?

"We have a report of some flying object in our jurisdiction."

- 911 Dispatcher

"Uhh.. Right now.."

"I look at the radar scope and I go 60 miles diameter of Youngstown and there is nothing out there.."

- Control Tower

I love the explanation by the astronomer at the end of video two, as just a star twinkling, planet or fireball.. I have to say that has to be the worst explanation ever.

"I got 'em right here. I'm looking at 'em."

- Lieutenant Baker

"What the Hell Is It?"

- 911 Dispatch

"I got red, yellow, green and Blue."

"This is weird.."

"Oh my God. I hope that is a plane."

"Oh Please be a plane. Oh please."

- Lieutenant Baker

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