Friday, June 17, 2011

New Mexico Roswell

Orion Project Greer

Short UFO fact: [Silver Spring, Maryland, is the home of Madeleine Rodeffer, who in February 1965 along with George Adamski filmed the arrival, landing and subsequent departure of one of George Adamski's famous UFOs. Madeleine sent the film to be developed, but on its return they noticed that the film had been tampered with, because various shots of the craft had been replaced by very bad 'hoaxed' frames which was added to try and prove the film and its contents to be totally bogus. Of the frames that remained, they were examined and were said to be film depicting actual objects. These objects were calculated to be 27ft in diameter. On 27th February 1967 the film was shown to 22 NASA officials at Goddard Space Flight Center. One of the NASA men claimed that it was a 'very important piece of film and depicted a craft of 27ft'. The results of the film examination were not released at this time so this seems to be a strange coincidence or confirmation that the film showed a real craft.]

Western Pennsylvania Ufos 4 Of 4

Photo Alien Crop Circle

Short UFO fact: [SKYNET, 257 Sycamore Glen, Pasadena, California 91105. Ann Druffel (Project Co Ordinator) 213-256-8655. Publication is Skynet Guides; Founded in1965; 50 - 100 members. Established to serve as a tracking system for UFO reports in the Los Angeles, California area. Its original purpose was to receive UFO reports at the time that witnesses were viewing the objects, thus centering their efforts on real-time viewing, photographing, monitoring, rather than relying on after-the-fact analysis.]

Ufo Cylinder Chased By Soviet Mig 21 Accelerates

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A Real Alien Pictures

Crop Circles Hoax 3

Short UFO fact: [ 30 Nov 1972: Murray Bridge, SA Motor mechanic Mr Maxwell was out testing his vehicle when upon coming over a rise in the road, the motor and lights of his car cut out. They came back on but rose and fell in intensity several times. He decided to stop the engine and the car came to a halt.To his left he saw a "diamond shape with the top cut off" noiselessly sitting on the ground forty five metres away in a paddock. His car radio went "funny", making a noise like a "computer on TV", a constant rhythm. As soon as he stopped the car he had tried the ignition key but when he turned it nothing happened, not even the oil light came on. He then tried the wipers and the electric air horn but they didn't work either. He locked all the doors and wound up the windows and just sat there for the next forty five minutes. After this time, the object left and he found he could restart the car quite alright. An inspection of the vehicle next day revealed no cause for the electrical problems.]

3of 5 Alien Ufo In 1995korean

Cropcircles 2006 3

Short UFO fact: [Feb 1973: Norah Head, NSW. A man and a woman were in a vehicle near a kiosk, in light rain, when they noticed a street light dimming on and off before fading out to a faint glow. They then saw a bright golden coloured ball rise up behind trees and hover in the air. After a few minutes it went from gold to orange to deep red. The couple decided to get closer but found their car engine wouldn't start. The only response was the headlights which came on very dimly. The object eventually left to the south-west after which the street light came to normal brilliance, and the car engine started first time. (UFOIC Newsletter. 1976. No 48.) ]

Ufo Hunters Invasion Illinois Pt 35

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Corso Roswell

Roswell Ufo Technology 2

Short UFO fact: [Curious details suggesting the visit our planet in ancient times of extraterrestrial travelers can be found in the presence of technological items which are far too advanced for the cultures in which they are discovered. Sandal-and-loincloth cultures in the Americas and the Middle East appear to have mastered the creation of aluminum (refined from bauxite--a highly complex process) and platinum (which requires temperatures of thousands of degrees). Yet these very same civilizations clearly had no knowledge of more elemental technology, such as the wheel. Was this knowledge "imparted" by non-terrestrial creatures to a "priesthood" of primitive humans, who surrounded the knowledge (and perhaps the non-terrestrial devices needed to apply it) under the panoply of esoteric knowledge and mystery cults?]

History Channel Ufo Hunters 203 Heartland Explosion 2008 1 Avi

The Abduction Of Kelly Cahill 2

Short UFO fact: [In 1976, braving desert sands, Polisario terrorists, and suspicious Algerian security forces, Spanish researchers Jorge Blaschke, Rafael Brancas and Julio Mart?nez reached the Tassili Massif to conduct a systematic study of the enigmatic cave drawings. In the course of their research, they were stunned to find a clear depiction of a helmeted and suited figure, linked by a tether to the interior of a large, spherical object, leading three human females toward it. Dr. Mart?nez noticed that the artist had taken great care in showing the women: one of them an adolescent, the other a mother carrying a child, and the third a visibly pregnant woman. Could this be representative of the genetic experiments which are allegedly still being conducted in our days by large-headed Greys.]

Ufos Making Crop Circles

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Ufo Conspiracy Theory

Ufo Conspiracy Theory Image
"Commander X", a self-alleged member of a government
intelligence network called "THE COMMITTE OF 12", who are
devoted to defending the Earth and preserving our constitutional
Freedoms, mentioned the following details that he and other
associates of his had uncovered:

"...The underground...base outside of Dulce, New Mexico, is
perhaps the one MOST FREQUENTLY referred to. It's existence
is most widely known, including several UFO abductees who have
apparently been taken there for examination and then either man-
aged to escape or were freed just in the nick of time by friendly...
"According to UFO conspiracy buff and ex-Naval Intelligence
Officer Milton (William) Cooper, '...a confrontation broke out
between the human scientists and the Aliens at the Dulce under-
ground lab. The Aliens took many of our scientists hostage.
Delta Forces were sent in to free them but they were no match for
the Alien weapons. Sixty-six people were killed during this action.
As a result we withdrew from all joint projects for at least two
) entered into a pact with an 'Alien nation' HIDDEN
" Commander X alleges. "The U.S. Govern-
ment, in 1933 agreed to trade animals in exchange for high-tech
knowledge, and to allow them to use (undisturbed) UNDER-
GROUND BASES, in the Western U.S.A. A special group was
formed to deal with the 'Alien' beings. In the 1940's 'Alien Life
' (ALF) began shifting their focus of operations, FROM
"The CONTINENTAL DIVIDE is vital to these 'entities.' Part of
this has to do with magnetics (substrata rock) and high energy
states (plasma)... This area has a very high concentration of
lightning activity; underground waterways and cavern systems;
fields of atmospheric ions; etc..."

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