Short UFO fact: [In 1991 Poll by The Roper Organization suggests that as many as 4,000,000 adult Americans could be "alien abductees". In 1992 was four-day conference on "alien abductions" held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology includes chairmen of university psychology departments and directors of mental health groups. In 1993 UFO Research Coalition formed by MUFON, CUFOS and Fund for UFO Research to manage joint programs. ]
Glowing Craft Ufo Clip 2
Short UFO fact: [In 1995 Air Force announces that wreckage recovered near Roswell in 1947 was not a weather balloon, but was from then-secret Project Mogul cluster of weather balloons. General Accounting Office investigation into Roswell crash concludes: "The debate over what crashed at Roswell continues." ]
Ufo Attacks World Trade Center
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