Short UFO fact: [SASQUATCH is a large, hairy 'humanoids' who are usually troglodytial or cavern-dwellers, although they have been known to forage through mountainous or wooded areas on the surface in search for roots, berries, grasses and nuts which make up their diet. They are believed to possess a heightened 'sensing' ability which allows them to steer clear of 'human' influence. They are more human than animal according to some reports although they have often been mistaken for animals, which has forced them to take up a largely subterran lifestyle.]
Nasa Ufo Footage From Above Earth Unseen
Short UFO fact: [John Roy Robert Searl through dreams as a child developed the SEG. An SEG consists of a series of three rings and rollers that go around those rings. The first ring contains twelve rollers, this amount is the same as having a twelve-cycle or twelve-phase linear motor. A linear motor will not operate on less than twelve phases. There are many other correlations you can make, but this is working along with the laws of Nature. There are twelve plates on the surface of the earth, and twelve months of the year. There can be more than twelve rollers, but no less. This configuration will allow the rollers to never touch any other surface permitting them to spin faster causing a magnetic field that is reported to be sufficient for anti-gravity. ]
Ufo Germany November 7 2008
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