Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mass Alien Encounter With 62 Children

Mass Alien Encounter With 62 Children Image
Here is an another interesting mass UFO and Alien encounter story. In Zimbabwe (Africa) 62 school children and there teacher had a UFO and Alien encounter.

(Above - Sketch af an Alien by one of the kids)

"A UFO landed, a door opened and some Aliens walked out.."

The case is so remarkable because all there stories correlate in relation to each others and remarkable because a lot of the children received the same similar message. Not in words mind you, in thoughts. The message was in relation to being careful of the earth or that the earth is in danger. "Very important environmental message if you ask me..?"


What I love about this case is, it is one that cannot be argued. When 62 people all have the same experience it really does become fact, don't you think? Another argument to support this being a real encounter as well is that these kids have been brought up in a remote location that has not been exposed to the stories of UFOs or Aliens via media or education. Because of this where could they even get the idea to make up a story like this or even have a delusion of it..?

"What do you think..?"

Tags: crop circles ufo  ghost real investigators  detect paranormal  may ufo files  crop circle wallpaper  real ufo sighting  mexico ufo 1993  alien planet facts  

Ufo Sightings In Italy

Ufo Sightings In Italy Image
UFO SIGHTINGS 2011 - Possible UFO sighting of unknown objects or orbs flying across the sky over Texas in United States was recorded on 21st May 2011.

Witness report: "alright this video was capture by a friend of mine who told me the story the night after... as he was telling me he seemed really sure of what he was talking about. He first started saying they were balls of fire... I asked what he meant by balls... i ask if they were circular.. he said yes... I asked why do you say fire,... he response by saying it was Fire! furthermore, he showed me the video on his cellphone. The video shows about 6 to 8 circular objects flying through the sky in a pattern. On the video they objects seem white, but when you watch it,... there's bout 4 other friends and his wife saying its Fire... " its' fire, it flickers! Author (source: mufon)

Tags: have china attack  six paranormal activity  invasion aliens  new photos area  reports come  ufo hits turbine  alien crash roswell  investigations worked