Short UFO fact: [SETI is acronym for The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. This is a US government-funded project that monitors electromagnetic wave emissions from space. These emissions, it is claimed, will be the communications between various UFOs that "leak" out, just like TV pictures from a transmitter are able to be picked up from space (in theory). If they detect any abnormal emissions, they will investigate them further to try and find out where they originate from.]
2012 Judgment Day And The Marsearth Connection 1 Of 8
Short UFO fact: [SIGMA PROJECT. An ongoing 1954 Top Secret project that looked into how to communicate with aliens. That projects existence was revealed in the PROJECT AQUARIUS Briefing Document and is said to have succeeded in 1964 when a USAF intelligence officer met two other aliens at a prearranged location in a desert in New Mexico. However, there is a "Project Sigma" listed in the 1986 Defense Marketing Services Code Name Directory as a "Top Secret Air Force program involving Rockwell International" and has been officially identified as a laser weapons project.]
Real Ufo Sight And Filmed
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