Short UFO fact: [In 1987 was publication of best-selling books by Whitley Streiber ("Communion") and Budd Hopkins ("Intruders") ignites world-wide interest in "alien abductions". Allegedly-official MJ-12 report describes recovery of crashed alien craft at Roswell in 1947, but remains highly controversial. ]
Nasa Secret Photo Album Real Deal
Short UFO fact: [On Oct. 28, 1973, The Hawk Eye included a story from Mount Pleasant resident Clark Linch, 75 at the time but has since died, who related a story that took place in 1920. While fishing, Linch saw an egg-shaped object the size of a cream can land silently about 15-feet from his river bank perch. The object "sat there" for about 15 minutes, "not bothering him - nor he bothering it," according to the report. Linch observed that his sighting differed from other UFO reports because the object he saw moved slowly, "probably about four or five miles per hour," and was small and "apparently lightweight." ]
Ufo Government Released Footage
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