Wednesday, September 22, 2010

German Ufos

Ufo Clothing 3

Out Look Of Alex Collier From A Greys Prospective

Short UFO fact: [NEXUS BLACK HOLE. It is key to see that the Draco reptilians need our DNA because the galactic sector here, slipping through the NEXUS Black Hole, would only allow superluminal "ensouled" DNA to take memory through the wormhole. That means genepools without souls die in the unshareability of that test of symmetry at spin density. In other words, it was no mistake for them to try to hack up our DNA to get a soul, without that their genepool is doomed.]

Ufo Data Magazine 2

Ufo Sighting

Short UFO fact: [NICAP is acronym for National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. One of the most powerful civilian UFO research organizations of the 50's and 60's opposing government secrecy. It was founded in 1956 by Thomas Townsend Brown, a former Navy physicist. It was headed for many years by Major Donald Keyhoe. It was one of the UFO groups singled out by the CIA's Robertson Panel, which suggested that the groups be monitored. Over the years many of the top positions within the group were later found to be former CIA employees. The group eventually became so ineffective that it was dissolved. All NICAPs file were absorbed by CUFOS. ]

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Alien Beings

Area 51 Of America 3

Short UFO fact: [Sleep Paralysis is a sleep disorder in which an individual awakens to sense a presence in his bedroom, even on the bed or on top of him. The victim is unable to move, hence the name. Some people believe this is all that alien abduction is.]

Mars Phoenix Lander Anomalous Object 2

New Alien 3

Short UFO fact: [Spooklights is a lights which appear in the skies regularly in the same area. Examples are Marfa, Texas, Joplin, Missouri's Hornet Light, and North Carolina's Brown Mountain Light. Theories abound, but no scientific explanation has been found for most of the lights.]

Ufo Haiti

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