Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Area 51 Pictures

Ufos Posters 3

Short UFO fact: [22 Mar 1993, Armadale, Jenny was driving along when she noticed a very bright light, like a white flare, ahead of her. It was falling towards the ground. As she got closer to it she saw it was spherical, with a smaller sphere on either side. As Jenny drew still closer, the lights moved to the right over waste ground. The car radio started to crackle and went dead, and the car's lights dimmed. She pulled the car over to the side of the road for a better look. As she drove off the car's radio returned to normal. The object simply disappeared. Duration, 3 minutes.]

Las Vegas Alien Bases Part 1 Of 2 Iufoc 93

Underground Ufo 3

Short UFO fact: [Jul/Aug 1991, Halls Creek, Dean was travelling on his motor bike when he saw an unusual object, as did the occupants of 2 cars who had stopped to watch it. At this point the engine of his bike cut out. He dismounted to look for a fault. He then remembers kick starting the bike and continuing on his way. How ever, when he arrived at his destination which had only been 10 minutes travel from his starting point, he was amazed to find that it was 2 hours later. Later that night he found a fresh scar on the back of his left ankle.]

Ufos Advanced Technology Discussion

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Crop Circle 2009

Video Ufo Moon Base 4

Short UFO fact: [Tulli Papyrus, 15th century, from the reign of Thutmose III, translated from hieratic Egyptian, describes "flaming circles" seen in the sky during the New Kingdom era of Egypt. These "circles" emitted a foul odor, and after they departed, there was a rain of fish and 'volatiles' (meteorites?) The scroll was originally the property of Alberto Tulli, who managed the Vatican Museum's Egyptological collection. (Inquiries to the Vatican have cast some doubts on the authenticity of the manuscript.) The Intermediate periods in Egypt (between the Old and Middle, and Middle and New Kingdoms) were marked by multiple cataclysms and strange aerial occurences. Indeed, there are many parallels between the strange events and the plagues described in the Biblical Book of Exodus.]

Nasa Ufo Footage From Above Earth Unseen

Videos Of Aliens 4

Short UFO fact: [The three most well known stories in the Bible that suggest UFO-like encounters are the stories of the Exodus, Ezekiel, and Enoch. But there are others. Many researchers, such as Morris K. Jessup, have discussed the "pillar of the Lord" seen leading the Hebrews out of Egypt and pointed out its UFOlike properties. Others have discussed Jacob's heavenly ladder as a possible sighting. Yet others are convinced that the four 'living' beings who 'moved like wheels' and 'burned like bronze' seen by Ezekiel were UFOs. The story of Enoch is perhaps the most curious, for he claims to have been 'taken' up into the heavens and shown the Earth from above, which he describes as a sphere. His book in the Bible is apocryphal (and hence its authenticity disputed.) Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem and the cloud which descended upon Jesus on Mount Tabor may have been UFOs as well, and some daring authors declare his parentage may have been extraterrestrial, rather than divine.]

Ufo Germany November 7 2008

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