Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Real Aliens

Ufo The Truth 2

Short UFO fact: [GRAILS are saurian 'grey' type entities which are apparently somewhat taller than the usually-encountered greys yet with extremely thin 'rail-like' torso and limbs yet very strong (Draconian). ]

Larry King Cnn The U K Ufo Files Part 1

Ufo Video Clips 2

Short UFO fact: [GREYS/GRAYS are the most common type of alien seen in CLOSE ENCOUNTER cases. Height varies from two feet to five feet, are humanoid, and usually have black bug-like eyes, little or no nose and a small slit for a mouth.]

Ufo Haiti

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Ovni Roswell

Ufo Info 3

Short UFO fact: [MARFA LIGHTS is lightballs bouncing around in the air and changing colors. Named after the town they first was sighted in, Marfa, Texas. There are many theories on what they are, like swampgas, carlights, ball lightning and of course somkind of alien space ships.]

Sylphs Ufo

Ufo Photo 3

Short UFO fact: [MARTIAN ASTRONAUT is A UFO crash which occurred on April 17, 1897, in the town of Aurora, Texas, achieved fame more long-lived than the town itself. The incident, as reported in the April 19 edition of the Dallas Morning News]

Ufos The Best Evidence Ever Caught On Tape Part 3

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Tags: aliens mexico  rosewell mexico  alien sightings australia  ancient ufos  allagash abduction  crop cirkles  about ufos