Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ufo Videot

Ufo 2009 News 3

Short UFO fact: [Hollow Earth UFO Theory: One of the wackiest theories in the UFOlogy is that of 'hollow earth'.Its proponents point out that any environment that could support intelligent life is so far from earth that meeting an Extraterrestrial would be impossible.So a UFO and aliens must come from beneath the earth.This theory maintains that there is a world within our world where environment exists not very different from our own,it has its own inner landscape and its own life forms that have evolved separately from outside.Its higher creatures are more advanced than we are,and they are the aliens we see visiting our outer world.This idea orginates primarily from underworld presence since dawn of civilization.This theory has become obsolete however recently with several advancements of technology that enables us to see the truth clearly.]

Ufo Crash

Ufo Case 3

Short UFO fact: [Visits from higher Dimension UFO Theory: One of the theories that has become popular is that UFOs are visitors from Higher dimensions.This theory acknowledges the idea of 'Alternate Realities' - which would explain not only UFOs and starnge Abduction phenomenon,but many other classical Paranormal phenomenon.This theory states that alternative higher dimensional worlds might exist having higher creatures which might be experimenting us like we do on zoo animals,these higher dimensions cannot be comprehended by our Sensory organs,since they are meant for 3D worlds primarily.These ideas of Parallel Universes are under serious consideration by leading physicists of world.The evidence of the parallel universe is not concrete but has partially come from Quantum experiments conducted.For more on Parallel Universe,use Google search.The parallel universe is indeed more credible than the Extraterrestrial hypothesis.]

Ufo In Belgium Chased By Air Force F16s

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Ohare Ufo

Ufo Video Footage 3

Short UFO fact: [One harsh November evening in 1961, Paul Miller and three buddies were on the way home after a hunting trip close to Minot, North Dakota. Suddenly, something they described as a “glowing silo” landed on a nearby field. The object suddenly disappeared. But when the four decided to drive away, the object reappeared and two humanoids stepped out of the craft. On the way home, Miller and his team had a “blackout” and lost track of three hours.]

Ufo Probes Footage Global Ufos Caught On Video And Photographed

Ufo Video Nasa 3

Short UFO fact: [Very few of the crash/retrieval stories take place on a military reservation. The majority of the reports are from civilians who have happened onto the scene of an extraordinary event. The reported destruction of a craft near Nellis Air Force Base, outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, in 1962 is the exception that proves the rule. The vast Nellis complex is the one location where it seems a flying saucer crashed right into government and air force hands. And there are, literally, dozens of firsthand witnesses to the fact. ]

Ufo And Plane

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Crop Circels

Ufo Alien Invasion

Short UFO fact: [In July 1947 a flying saucer crashed near Corona, New Mexico during a violent night-time thunderstorm. The next morning, Mac Brazel found some wreckage on his ranch spread over about half a mile which neither he nor his family could identify. There was also a piece of very light plastic like material, except it wasn't plastic. It was like a wooden dowel and was a couple of inches long. It would bend slightly, but you couldn't scratch, cut, burn or melt it. The Army initially released a story to the press saying that they had captured a flying saucer, but then quickly put out another story saying they hadn't got a saucer, just a weather balloon. It was not a weather balloon. Mac Brazel was placed under house arrest for a week whilst his ranch was combed for more debris, and it was then when the main saucer body was found, complete with four aliens, two dead, one seriously injured and another attending to it which seemed to be unharmed.]

What Happened With Discovery Channel Ufo Capture

Ufo Alien Photographs

Short UFO fact: [Sandia Base which is now controlled by Kirtland AFB has been long associated with the Roswell Case. In 1947 Sandia was under the direction of the Los Alamos National Laboratory . It was claimed by several witnesses that military personnel involved in the retrieval operations had Sandia logos on their uniform.]

Ufo Over Montreal Downtown Canada 1990 Video 1

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