Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ufos 1993

System Ufo 2

Short UFO fact: [22 Mar 1993, Armadale, Jenny was driving along when she noticed a very bright light, like a white flare, ahead of her. It was falling towards the ground. As she got closer to it she saw it was spherical, with a smaller sphere on either side. As Jenny drew still closer, the lights moved to the right over waste ground. The car radio started to crackle and went dead, and the car's lights dimmed. She pulled the car over to the side of the road for a better look. As she drove off the car's radio returned to normal. The object simply disappeared. Duration, 3 minutes.]

Ufo Over Germany 2007

The Day After Roswell 2

Short UFO fact: [Jul/Aug 1991, Halls Creek, Dean was travelling on his motor bike when he saw an unusual object, as did the occupants of 2 cars who had stopped to watch it. At this point the engine of his bike cut out. He dismounted to look for a fault. He then remembers kick starting the bike and continuing on his way. How ever, when he arrived at his destination which had only been 10 minutes travel from his starting point, he was amazed to find that it was 2 hours later. Later that night he found a fresh scar on the back of his left ankle.]

3 Ufos In Iran Caught On Camera

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Ufo On The Moon

And The Roswell Aliens

Short UFO fact: [UFO researchers are very skeptical of project SETI(US government-funded project that monitors electromagnetic wave emissions from space), saying it is just a front put up to try and publicly "prove" that UFOs don't exist since they don't expect to find any emissions that cannot be identified. According to an article by Dr. Pierre Guerin in "FLYING SAUCER REVIEW", the government already knows that aliens exist and that they are co-operating with them and that they know that the aliens don't use electromagnetic waves at all. It would be similar to trying to detect Indian smoke signals using a radio receiver.]

Larry King Cnn The U K Ufo Files Part 1

Aprilia Area 51 Spares

Short UFO fact: [PROJECT SIGN is the first official USAF UFO investigation which started in January 1948. Its brief was to determine what UFOs were. It lasted until February 1949, its final report saying that 20% of the cases were unexplainable.]

Ufo Haiti

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Alien Sightings Photos

Ufo Hoax 3

Short UFO fact: [On October 26, 1958 at 10:30 PM, near the Lock Raven Dam, north of Baltimore, Maryland, two men saw what appeared to be a flattened out egg-shaped object hovering approximately 100-150 feet from the top of the bridge. Suddenly, their car went completely dead. The two men stated that it was like they just cut the key off. Nothing electrical worked. The UFO now began to slowly rise straight up. It was extremely bright as it did, causing the edge of the object to be fuzzy. Within 5-10 seconds the object was out of sight. The men were then able to restart their car, and rush to the nearest phone to report their sighting. The Ground Observor Corp was contacted first, but did not respond. The men then talked to the Towson Police Department, which sent two patrolmen to the scene. ]

2012 Judgment Day And The Marsearth Connection 1 Of 8

Ufo London 3

Short UFO fact: [One of the strangest, most baffling cases in UFO folklore is the story of one Private First Class Gerry Irwin. On March 2, 1959, he awoke in Cedar City Hospital, and was completely unaware of how he got there. On a road the landscape was brilliantly lit as he observed a glowing object, which crossed the sky from right to left in front of him. Startled, he watched the strange craft continue until it was blocked from his sight by a ridge. Irwin had been unconscious for twenty-three hours," and was found in the area by Sheriff Otto Pfief search party. A month later, he was listed as AWOL. He has never been seen again. ]

Real Ufo Sight And Filmed

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Area 51 Base

Crop Circle Video

Short UFO fact: [GRUDGE Project contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). The project was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated) and money from the illicit drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society. The purpose of project GRUDGE was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States Space Program.]

Ufo 2007 France

Crop Circles 3d

Short UFO fact: [The HAARP Project. Gakona, Alaska. HAARP is proclaimed to be a government research project dedicated to the development of communications capabilities and ionispheric interaction. Sounds harmless enough. But those who are versed in the research of Nichola Tesla will recognize that much of this program is, in fact, based on research started by Tesla. Speculation is that HAARP is, in reality, a secret project aimed at nothing less than the total control of the electro-magnetic spectrum. There might even be a tie-in with the "tethered satellite" experiment conducted in.]

The Energy 106 Alien Abductions Belfast

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