Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pictures Of Ufos And Aliens

Proof Of Ufo 2

Short UFO fact: [Dulce Base. While investigating cattle mutilations on the Jicarillo Indian Reservation outside Dulce, New Mexico, Paul Bennewitz saw mysterious objects rising from Mt. Archuleta. He deduced, or was disinformed into believing, that there must be an alien base inside the mountain. Others have added to the story since, and the Dulce base has become legendary.]

Ufo Haiti

Real Ufo Nasa Photos 2

Short UFO fact: [Flying Saucer is a name for certain types of UFOs. It originated when Kenneth Arnold described the objects that he saw as looking like a "saucer skipping across water." A news reporter coined the term "flying saucer" when reporting the incident.]

Sunken City Echoes Atlantis

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Ufo In Moon

Flying Saucer Florida 2009

Short UFO fact: [The United States Air Force, which coined the term in 1952, initially defined UFOs as those objects which remain unidentified after scrutiny by expert investigators, though the term UFO is often used more generally to describe any sighting unidentifiable to the reporting observer(s). ]

The Energy 106 Alien Abductions Belfast

Gorman Planeufo Encounter

Short UFO fact: [Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, are merely the popular term for any aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily or immediately determined, says Wikipedia. Popular culture frequently takes the term UFO as a synonym for alien spacecraft. Some investigators now prefer to use the broader term Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (or UAP), to avoid the confusion and speculative associations that have become attached to UFOs. ]

Ufo Hunters Invasion Illinois Pt 55

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Ufo Sightings

Books On Ufos

Short UFO fact: [In 1957 third American UFO wave highlighted by electrical interference reports around Levelland, Texas. Air Force blames all the car stoppings on an intense electrical storm, even though the night was clear.]

Ufo Lithuania July Same As Bristol And Germany

Crop Circle Facts

Short UFO fact: [In 1967 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) establishes UFO subcommittee. Wesleyan University offers first credit course on UFOs. Soviet TV announcement reveals short-lived non-governmental UFO group. ]

Nasa Sts 115 Space Shuttle Ufo 2 19092006

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Ufo Crash Site

Aliens Pictures 2009 3

Short UFO fact: [Extremes of physical effects on people who enter crop circles have been reported. While some feel elation, others feel ill effects, including "nausea, headaches, dizziness, tingling sensations, pains and giddiness." Some claim their menstrual cycles have been affected while others say they have literally been knocked off their feet.People aren't the only ones affected. According to "Crop Circles: A Deeper Look" from the Foundation for Paranormal Research, "one researcher allowed his dog to enter a newly formed circle. The dog became violently ill and vomited for about an hour afterward. Sheep in the area go into a frenzy."Another witness testified: "During a third visit into the main Chiseldon formation in 1996 I encountered a couple who couldn't understand why their normally placid cat suddenly became agitated the moment he crossed the threshold of the formation. He protested and looked around frantically for a way out. Once outside he was back to his normal self."]

Ufo Lands On Ground In Canada

Best Ufo Picture 3

Short UFO fact: [Researchers claim that their electronic equipment is often affected when they are examining crop circles. "There have been numerous reports of electronic equipment failing in crop circles and compasses spinning out of control in and over the crop circles (when flying over in aircraft)," according to "Peculiarities of Crop Circles". "This range of equipment includes watches, mobile phones, batteries, cameras. No explanations for these occurrences, other than the indication of a strong EM field distortions."]

Tinley Park Lights 1012005

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