Sunday, September 12, 2010

Picture Of Real Aliens

Ufo Space Nasa Photos 3

Short UFO fact: [Of all photographs of alleged UFOs, the Barra da Tijuca series of UFO a flying disk was allegedly spotted in the vicinity of Barra da Tijuca, Brazil, is considered by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) to be "one of the best (and possibly the best) on record." (at that time) However, the authenticity of the photos has been challenged; and some photo analysts suspect a hoax. The Brazilian Air Force conducted an investigation and released a positive statement that the photos were genuine.]

Ufo Assorted Clips

Ufo Videos 2008 2

Short UFO fact: [On May 7, 1952, Joao Martins and Ed Keffel went to the place called Barra da Tijuca to do a routine job for their magazine. At 4:30 P.M., Martins suddenly spotted an object approaching in the air at high speed. He thought at first it was an airplane he was facing . It looked like an airplane. There was still something strange, Martins realized. That "plane" was flying sideways. He shouted: "What the devil is that?" Keffel had his Rollei-flex at hand and Martins yelled: "Shoot, Keffel!" Ed Keffel grabbed his loaded camera and got five pictures in about sixty seconds, thus obtaining the most sensational photographic sequence of a flying disk. ]

Ufo France April 27 2007

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Mexico City Ufo Footage January 1 1993

Ufo Over 2

Short UFO fact: [GRAILS are saurian 'grey' type entities which are apparently somewhat taller than the usually-encountered greys yet with extremely thin 'rail-like' torso and limbs yet very strong (Draconian). ]

Ufo Passes By Plane Wing

Ufo Sightings 2007 2

Short UFO fact: [GREYS/GRAYS are the most common type of alien seen in CLOSE ENCOUNTER cases. Height varies from two feet to five feet, are humanoid, and usually have black bug-like eyes, little or no nose and a small slit for a mouth.]

Ufo Sudyucatan 20 December 2004

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Ufo Official Website

Alien Picture Drawing 2

Short UFO fact: [15 Aug 1976: Boyer, two people in a utility noted an approaching light which then drew back. "Something" shone a light in the vehicle's back window. It seemed 125 meters back and 250 metres up in the air, looking like a jelly bean with a dome on top. The vehicle's radio's volume faded and the inside of the ute lit up. The road swung under a cliff and the light wasn't seen again.]

Ufo Hunters Episode S02e03 Heartland Explosion 55

Alien Sighting Sanfrancisco 2

Short UFO fact: [5 Oct 1976: Rankins Springs,a credit manager, aged twenty six, was returning home from a trip with a friend and his younger daughter. Approaching a rise in the road he saw an object in the sky low down and stationary. It then travelled in a south- east to north-west direction at about forty five degrees to the horizon. It had the appearance of a flattened disc, swollen at the front with "portholes." The car radio had been on all the time but upon the object's appearance it had ceased to operate.]

Ufo In Latvia Riga 09 01 2004

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Pictures De Aliens

Ufo 1

Short UFO fact: [Great Airship Wave, 1896-7. An amazing series of sightings, stretching from the East to the West coast of the U.S., occurred in 1896 and 1897. Many newspapers carried sightings of "airships" seen travelling through the air. These mechanical contraptions often shone spotlights on the ground and made lots of clanking and other noises as they moved through the sky. Speculation about the "airships" focused on a series of "inventors" who were testing these new craft and would soon be making them commercially available for the public. Some people claimed that the airships landed and that they met these "inventors." Some airship pilots claimed to be from Mars; others insisted they were "from a place where it never rains." Not surprisingly, shortly after the airship "wave," the first terrestrial zeppelins and dirigibles began being built and used commercially, as if the UFO was always one step ahead of our own technology.]

Ufo Haiti

Ufo 1997

Short UFO fact: [One of the most curious episodes of the whole Airship wave 1896-1897, which, like many of the others, was thought to be a newspaper hoax - was a story of an airship which crashed into Judge Proctor's windmill in Aurora, Illinois. A body of a small "martian" was said to be recovered and buried with some of the wreckage. In 1972, rumors were sparked anew as a man appeared and claimed to know the whereabouts of this wreckage. This man, a Frank Kelley of Corpus Christi, said he was a treasure hunter, and produced several pieces of metal found with his metal detector, which turned out to be mostly aluminum. No body was ever found by UFO investigators, and, like so many other weirdos in the UFO world, this guy with a fake address and phone number disappeared as abruptly as he turned up. Not unsurprisingly, in late 1972 the U.S. was already experiencing the beginnings of the massive UFO wave of '73, which shattered post-Condon report complacency. ]

Sunken City Echoes Atlantis

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