Sunday, August 14, 2011

Roswell Tv

Egyptian Alien Pictures 2

Short UFO fact: [January 7, 1948, would be a day of tragedy for Captain Thomas F. Mantell of the Kentucky Air National Guard, and his family, friends, and fellow Guardsmen. The Mantell case will forever be an important part of the hotbed of UFO reports of the late 1940's and early 1950's. Mantell was piloting an F-51 that fateful day, soaring to Standiford Air Force Base, Kentucky. He was accompanied by three other Guard planes. At approximately 1:30 PM, the Kentucky State Police began receiving reports from worried citizens of spotting a large circular object flying over the city of Mansville. In a matter of minutes the area of the sightings expanded to cover Irvington and Owensboro.This large, metallic flying craft was then clearly seen from the tower of Godman Air Force Base. The object was described as being an extremely large, round, whitish in color, with a red light toward its bottom side, and seemed to be moving slowly toward the South. ]

Chemtrails And Ufo Above Dsseldorf Germany 08 02 2008 Check 042 And 020i

Extraterrestrials Ufo Videos 2

Short UFO fact: [What happened to the Roswell saucer debris? An uncertified, but controversial document might provide an answer. Supposedly a brief prepared for then President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, this document was authored on November 18, 1952. It asserts that on September 24, 1947, President Harry S. Truman ordered the genesis of the highly top-secret "Operation Majestic-12," to study the remains of the Roswell crash. These papers would arrive in a plain manilla envelope, postmarked Albuquerque, in the post of Los Angeles television producer Jaime Shandera in December 1984. In the early part of 1987, another copy was given to Timothy Good, a British ufologist. These documents caused quite a stir, but their authenticity cannot be established beyond doubt. The jury is still out on the MJ-12 papers, but many ufologists view it as a hoax. The issue itself is not insurmountable, however, as a huge amount of evidence still remains to establish the Roswell crash as a reality.]

Ufo The Greys Agenda Part 1 Of 5

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Finally Science Is Starting To Recognise Human Energy

Finally Science Is Starting To Recognise Human Energy Image
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With the new forms of science, such as quantum physics starting up, new doors are opening to the understanding of what every human is made of Simply put -- Energy.. What will this change in science as we understand this more, maybe this can be the beginning to a new world of understanding..?


The major study that was done was with microscopes. When human bodies are put under very powerful microscopes scientists were in wonder to see just atoms, protons and neutrons - simply put the energy of life Basically they could see right through us. This proves the concept that all life is just different energy levels of density, like what many occult books have been saying for thousands of years..


The interesting analysis of the energy (atoms, protons and neutrons) by scientists also showed that not just one energy exists in one place but that energy is flowing through, like a connection to everything.. Basically said other energies can flow in and out, backing up the oneness theory as well that many meditation masters have always educated people on..


So what now, what do we do with these understandings, do we ignore them or do we evaluate our inner understanding. In a way it is like 200 years ago when most people thought the world was flat, did we go through a major change understanding when we knew it was not..? Did it slowly or quickly effect human consciousness of all..?

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