Short UFO fact: [MAJESTIC-12 listed the twelve members as Dr Lloyd Berkner, Dr Detlev Bronk, Dr Vannevar Bush, James Forrestal, Gordon Gray, Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Dr Jerome Hunsaker, Dr Donald Menzel, General Robert Montague, Rear Admiral Sidney Souers, General Nathan Twining and General Hoyt Vandenberg. MJ-12 (also known as Majic-12, Majority-12, Majesty-12) is allegedly a Top Secret research and development - intelligence operation set up by and answerable to the US President. All thirteen members had died by the time the briefing document was publicized, so none of the details could be checked out. What could be verified was the document's authenticity, and when it was found that the signature on the briefing document was identical in ratio to a 1947 memo from President Truman to Vannevar Bush and the briefing document was proved to be a fake.]
Ufo Grntler
Short UFO fact: [However the MJ-12 controversy still rumbled on with people saying that although the document has been proved to be a piece of DISINFORMATION, parts of it must therefore be true. The document touched upon the ROSWELL CASE, as well as PROJECTS SIGN, GRUDGE and BLUE BOOK and KENNETH ARNOLD's sighting of nine flying saucers, all of which have been proved to be true by UFO researchers.]
Ufo Texas January 2008 Theyre Not Alone
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