Thursday, June 30, 2011

Alien Base

Ufo Station 4

Short UFO fact: [April 25, 1952. Dr. W (biochemist) and Dr. Y (bacteriologist), both employed by a private company, about 11:00 a.m. were driving to their office when Y saw something odd overhead that seemed to be moving against the wind. The distance was estimated to be about 50 ft, and the disc appeared to be 4-5 feet in diameter The wobble allowed them to judge the thickness as about 1.5 feet as the disc proceeded directly over their heads, continuing to rotate and wobble. ]

Area 51 Video 12

Ufo Topsites 4

Short UFO fact: [Early in the 1952 UFO sighting wave two discs approached and paced a B-36 bomber in the vicinity of Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona. On May 1, 1952, Major Rudy Pestalozzi, a base intelligence officer, along with an airman, looked up as a B-36 flew overhead and saw two shiny discs overtake the bomber, slow to its speed and position themselves alongside. ]

Ufo History Photos

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Mexico Aliens

Free Ufo Videos 2

Short UFO fact: [That the fairy-faith survived well into the 20th century is described by Evans-Wentz, who discovered that people still claimed to see the Gentry in places like Wales, Scotland, and Brittany. According to the Reverend Robert Kirk, who is thought to have been "taken" by the fairies, the Gentry are not a dimunitive race, but they are in fact tall, luminous beings, "fair in countenance and mighty." Offerings were left for the Gentry - who never ate the food itself, only its "invisible" portion - moreso out of fear than respect. People did their best not to build their houses on the numerous "fairy paths" crossing the countryside. Many of fairy things are similar to features of the modern UFO phenomenon has been pointed out numerous times by various researchers.]

What Is Really Hidden On Planet Mars Part1

History Of Ufo 2

Short UFO fact: [Black Plague, 1347-50. Reports from this period feature strange cigarlike objects flying low through the sky and dispersing noxious mists. Soon after these objects passed by, plague would break out in that area. Other features from this period similar to modern UFO reports include sightings of mysterious MIB-like scythe-wielding "reapers" clad in black hoods & robes, and mysteriously slaughtered cattle and other animals. One year before an outbreak of plague, a "column of fire" was seen over the Pope's palace at Avignon. A monstrous "whale" was cast ashore at Egemont shortly before another plague outbreak, and numerous times during this period "rumblings like thunder" were heard even when there were no storms. Blazing "comets" were seen numerous times in the heavens - some of which may have been real celestial objects frightening an omen-crazy populace - of which numerous were said to be accompanied by "flames" (aurorae?) hanging low in the sky.]

Ufo Moscow 1 Jul 2001 430 Am

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Underground Bases

Alien Abduction Tape 4

Short UFO fact: [Disc Shaped: These are classic flying saucers, flat and round like an ice-hockey puck. Most have a domed upper section, making them more like a hub cap.Some are doomed on both upper and lower surface and have a broad rim. Disk-shaped UFOs are generally referred to as saucers.]

Ufo Texas January 2008 Theyre Not Alone

Alien Baby 4

Short UFO fact: [Spheriod : These are globe shaped craft, although they also appear as elongated or flat spheres, as ovoid or egg-shaped or as SLOs saturn like objects that are spheres with a band in the middle.These were common in Europe from medieval times and appear in wood Carvings - a fine example comes from Basel,Switzerland.]

Ufo Roswell Twin Towers Nasa Shuttle

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Ufo Pic

Recent Ufo Videos 2

Short UFO fact: [NEXUS BLACK HOLE. It is key to see that the Draco reptilians need our DNA because the galactic sector here, slipping through the NEXUS Black Hole, would only allow superluminal "ensouled" DNA to take memory through the wormhole. That means genepools without souls die in the unshareability of that test of symmetry at spin density. In other words, it was no mistake for them to try to hack up our DNA to get a soul, without that their genepool is doomed.]


Roswell Area 51 2

Short UFO fact: [NICAP is acronym for National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. One of the most powerful civilian UFO research organizations of the 50's and 60's opposing government secrecy. It was founded in 1956 by Thomas Townsend Brown, a former Navy physicist. It was headed for many years by Major Donald Keyhoe. It was one of the UFO groups singled out by the CIA's Robertson Panel, which suggested that the groups be monitored. Over the years many of the top positions within the group were later found to be former CIA employees. The group eventually became so ineffective that it was dissolved. All NICAPs file were absorbed by CUFOS. ]

Ufo Landing

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

51 Nevada

Alien Body Real 2

Short UFO fact: [Curious details suggesting the visit our planet in ancient times of extraterrestrial travelers can be found in the presence of technological items which are far too advanced for the cultures in which they are discovered. Sandal-and-loincloth cultures in the Americas and the Middle East appear to have mastered the creation of aluminum (refined from bauxite--a highly complex process) and platinum (which requires temperatures of thousands of degrees). Yet these very same civilizations clearly had no knowledge of more elemental technology, such as the wheel. Was this knowledge "imparted" by non-terrestrial creatures to a "priesthood" of primitive humans, who surrounded the knowledge (and perhaps the non-terrestrial devices needed to apply it) under the panoply of esoteric knowledge and mystery cults?]

Confessions Of An Area 51 Employee Part 5a Black Aircraft

Alien Body Real 3

Short UFO fact: [In 1976, braving desert sands, Polisario terrorists, and suspicious Algerian security forces, Spanish researchers Jorge Blaschke, Rafael Brancas and Julio Mart?nez reached the Tassili Massif to conduct a systematic study of the enigmatic cave drawings. In the course of their research, they were stunned to find a clear depiction of a helmeted and suited figure, linked by a tether to the interior of a large, spherical object, leading three human females toward it. Dr. Mart?nez noticed that the artist had taken great care in showing the women: one of them an adolescent, the other a mother carrying a child, and the third a visibly pregnant woman. Could this be representative of the genetic experiments which are allegedly still being conducted in our days by large-headed Greys.]

Ufo History Video Drawingsdocuments

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Alien Conspiracy

Unidentified Flying Objects Photos 2009

Short UFO fact: [RE-BRID is 'Hybrids' possessing no soul-matrix. Some of these MAY possess human-like genetic coding yet no 'soul' while others may be an apparent 'hybrid' of two or more reptilian species. It must be understood that the Reptilians are far more adaptable or 'mutable' than are humans, physically.]

Second Plane Crash A Rare View From Inside

Video Real

Short UFO fact: [REDLIGHT PROJECT has appeared in several FOIA documents and witness accounts. To date however, no documents have been released which show what this project is related to. REDLIGHT is believed to be the project to test fly recovered alien craft. It is conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada. It was aided when the aliens gave us craft and helped us fly them. The initial project was somewhat successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in the air and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that time until the aliens agreed to help us. SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for project REDLIGHT. Several flying saucer type craft were built using conventional technology. They were unveiled to the press and flown in front of the press. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been SNOWBIRD craft. ]

Ufo Lithuania July Same As Bristol And Germany

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Monday, June 27, 2011

A Real Picture Of A Alien

Latest Ufo 3

Short UFO fact: [In 1965, in the city of Exeter, New Hampshire, a series of UFO sightings took place which gained vast media attention, and became the subject of the book, "Incident at Exeter," by John G. Fuller. The sensational happenings were also featured in a two-part article in "Look" magazine. The remarkable chain of events in New Hampshire began with a man named Norman Muscarello, who was hitchhiking back to his house in Exeter on Route 150. ]

Scary And Bizarre Video Of Alien Must See

Left At East Gate 3

Short UFO fact: [Damon, Texas, September 3, 1965. About 11:00 p.m. on the night of Friday, September 3, Deputy Sheriff Bob Goode, 50, was driving his patrol car south out of Damon in Texas toward West Columbia on Highway 36. Suddenly McCoy spotted a bright purple light on the horizon to the Southwest which appeared to be about five to six miles distant. At first they thought it might be something in the nearby oil fields, perhaps an oil-drilling rig. But then a blue light, smaller in diameter than the purple light, emerged from it and moved to the right before stopping. Then lights suddenly swooped toward them, covering the intervening distance in 1-2 seconds, abruptly stopping practically overhead. patrol car and the surrounding terrain were brightly illuminated in purple light. Then went UFO straight up in the air and disappeared at 25-30 degrees above the horizon. US Air Force put this case in the "unknown" category. ]

Ufo Nice France 2005

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Ufo S Crashes Videos 3

Short UFO fact: [The Fort Monmouth Case. A young student Army Signal Corps radar operator, PFC Eugent A. Clark, had just picked up an unknown low-flying target moving faster than the automatic setting mode on his AN/MPG-1 radar set could plot. He watched in amazement as in just moments the curious radar blip traversed the coast line at an estimated speed of at least 700 miles per hour. It was lost off the scope near the Sandy Hook coastal peninsula, not far south of New York City. ]


Ufo Sighting 2007 3

Short UFO fact: [The Fort Monmouth Case began with a watershed event which took place at 11:18 A.M. EDT on a clear morning in September 1951. It was Monday the 10th. The place was a radar facility near the coastline at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Number of officers happened to be witnessing the strange event unfold. They watched in amazement as in just moments the curious radar blip traversed the coast line at an estimated speed of at least 700 miles per hour. It was lost off the scope near the Sandy Hook coastal peninsula, not far south of New York City. This radar tracking caused a lot of excitement. In 1951, although jets had reached such speeds in special tests, they flew nowhere near those velocities on a routine or even sustained basis. ]

Ufo German

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Videos De La Nasa

History Of Ufo 3

Short UFO fact: [31 Aug 1954 Goulburn, Lt O'Farrell was flying a Sea Fury aircraft, and noticed a very bright light closing fast from the "1 o'clock" position. The light crossed ahead of him, and continued to a position on his port beam where it appeared to orbit. At the same time he noticed a second and similar light at "nine o'clock" which made a pass ahead of him and then turned in the position where the first light had been sighted. The pilot contacted Nowra radar who confirmed they had 3 echoes on screen. The two bright lights reformed at "nine o'clock" and disappeared on a north-easterly heading. (1.Australian National Archives file number MP926/1 Control Symbol 3079/101/1 titled Unidentified Objects (Flying Saucers sighted by Navy Pilot over Goulburn.) ]

Ufo Probes Footage Global Ufos Caught On Video And Photographed

How To Make A Crop Circle 3

Short UFO fact: [Jul 1952 Near Sydney Captain Bob Jackson of ANA, with more than 8000 flying hours, was flying near Worinora Dam when he suddenly saw a flash of light. He watched an object with an orange tail flash past towards the coast. Air Traffic Control did not have any radar contact with the object. About two minutes later the object re-appeared, circled the aircraft, and then vanished towards the coast. ]

Ufo And Plane

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Alien Area 51

Cropcircle 2

Short UFO fact: [UMMITES is humans claiming to hail from the general area of Wolf 424, some 14-plus light years distant from the Earth-Sol system, and possibly having ancient ties with the 'Lyran' colonies in that the Ummites (from the planet Ummo) are like the Lyrans-Pleiadeans said to be 'Scandinavian' in appearance, and therefore may tie-in with the so-called 'Nordic' or 'Blond' societies. They reportedly work closely with the Vegan humanoids (Evadamic).]

Rea 51 23

Film Ufos 2

Short UFO fact: [VANDENBERG AFB is Vandenberg Air Force Base. One of many Air Force bases where UFOs have been tracked on radar. It was the location of a missile test on 15th September 1964 in which it was alleged that an Atlas missile was destroyed by a UFO and that this was captured on camera.]

U F O Flying Saucer Destroys Warhead

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Officer Shoots At Unknown

Officer Shoots At Unknown Image

Date: 1967

Brian, are you aware of the 1967 so called UFO incident in Kitimat? I was involved in this incident during the winter of that year.

Me and a few friends were walking on the outskirts of Kitimat one snowy dark evening when we heard a strange beeping noise out in the bush. Within a half an hour a large group of local residents gathered along with us to listen to this electronic beeping noise.

Shortly thereafter, the RCMP showed up and formed about 12 of us into 2 groups. Each group was to walk along one side of this ravine that went into the bush towards this blue light. It was the dead of winter and there was alot of snow in the bush.

I was with one of those groups accompanied by an RCMP officer. There was a blue glowing light off in the bush along with this electronic beeping noise.

After about 20 minutes, we heard 4 or 5 gunshots, and our RCMP officer told us all to get out of the bush. When we got back to the road, the other group that had traversed the other side of the ravine was already out on the road.

Everyone in that group was very scared and apparently, the RCMP officer in that group shot into a tree at "something?" They all saw something in the tree, but no-one wanted to talk about it! This RCMP officer was as white as a sheet and saw something in the tree apparently with the rest of them and felt compelled to shoot at it?

Well, before one knew it, there were electronic and UFO experts coming to Kitimat from all over the world. The beeping noise continued for many weeks and the electronic experts from Vancouver stated that it was an electronic source of some sort.

The local Natives just laughed and stated that the beeping noise was a rare Owl. They could not however explain the blue glowing light out in the bush that night. It was what we were trying to see when our two groups went into the bush.

Have you heard of this story?


If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION IS KEPT CONFIDENTIAL."


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Ufo Area51

Ufos Sites 3

Short UFO fact: [Over two thousand UFOs were reported in Scandinavia in 1946. They looked like missiles with a flame exhaust at one end and they travelled at various speeds. Some reports says that they landed an exploded. Analysis of the fragments showed that they were made of organic substance that resembled carbide. The investigation was closed by the Army after a Greek investigation publicly announced that these were not missiles. This was in the year 1967.]

Mars Nasa Cover Up Pt 2

Unidentified Ufos 3

Short UFO fact: [The U.S. Government is accused of a conspiracy with the Greys. The Government allows them to abduct humans and in exchange they get their technology.]

Ufo Texas Cnn Reports

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ovnis Usa

Ufo Australia News 4

Short UFO fact: [NEXUS BLACK HOLE. It is key to see that the Draco reptilians need our DNA because the galactic sector here, slipping through the NEXUS Black Hole, would only allow superluminal "ensouled" DNA to take memory through the wormhole. That means genepools without souls die in the unshareability of that test of symmetry at spin density. In other words, it was no mistake for them to try to hack up our DNA to get a soul, without that their genepool is doomed.]

Nasa Secret Photo Album Real Deal

Ufo By 4

Short UFO fact: [NICAP is acronym for National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. One of the most powerful civilian UFO research organizations of the 50's and 60's opposing government secrecy. It was founded in 1956 by Thomas Townsend Brown, a former Navy physicist. It was headed for many years by Major Donald Keyhoe. It was one of the UFO groups singled out by the CIA's Robertson Panel, which suggested that the groups be monitored. Over the years many of the top positions within the group were later found to be former CIA employees. The group eventually became so ineffective that it was dissolved. All NICAPs file were absorbed by CUFOS. ]

Ufo Government Released Footage

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Alien Spaceship Images

Ufo X 3

Short UFO fact: [23 Mar 1988, East Tamar Highway, two people were travelling home when they saw a bright light ahead. The car lost power and the radio just went dead. The driver pressed the accelerator to the floor but the car would not go above thirty km/h. Four square yellow lights were visible with a beam of light shining down from just below them. They seemed fifty metres away and thirty metres up. These lights eventually went off, and the car returned to normal. (TUFOIC Newletter. No 55. Jun 1988.) ]

Belgium Ufo 01

Ufos News 3

Short UFO fact: [On July 5th 1933, during a night cross country training flight over Sussex, England a flight of four Hawker Fury I biplane fighters was broken up by a "huge" circular light that "dropped down from above their formation, into its very centre." RAF Capt. Nigel Tompkins was forced to land after his engine quit. Lt. Bruce H. Thomas suffered burns to his face and hands after passing close to the light while trying to land his aircraft after his engine quit... ]


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New Area 51 Photos

Ufo The Truth 3

Short UFO fact: [An electronics engineer was fishing when he heard a shrill, whirring sound and saw a round object, with a rotating light on top, land on the shore. The sound gradually stopped, an opening became visible, and two dwarfs with oversized heads came out with a hose and pumped water from the river. Later they appeared to play like children. Their bodies glowed with lights of changing colors. ]

Ufo Germany

Ufo Video 75 3

Short UFO fact: [On April 18 1961 a strange UFO encounter allegedly took place at Eagle River, Wisconsin. At 11 a.m., Joe Simonton claimed to hear a whining sound and then saw a craft, thirty feet in diameter and twelve feet high, resting on his property. A man about five feet tall appeared from the craft; he wore a black, turtleneck pullover with a white band at the belt and black trousers with a vertical white band along the side. Inside the craft, Simonton discerned two more figures; The strange man held up a metallic jug, which Simonton took and filled with water. ]

Ufo Alien Abduction Greys Vs Reptilians Cg

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Ufo Casebook

The Kenneth Arnold Sighting

Short UFO fact: [Dark Side Hypothesis written by John Lears and in it he claims that the US government has recovered all of the crashed space ships. And therefor they launched the Project Redlight in 1962 wich purpose was to recover and test fly the space ships in S-4 at Area-51. He also claims that the US government has made a deal with the aliens to abduct abduct as many people as they wan't in exchange for their technology. They also demanded a list of all the humans they intended to abduct. But the government found out that they didn't kept their part in the deal and it ended up in a confrontation 1978-79. Many of the top US scientist were killed by the aliens and the deal was broken. But the abductions and experiments on humans continued in secret. In the 1980s the US government and the aliens made a new deal and are once again working together.]

Outtheretv 2004 Presents Dr Jonathan Reed Alien Encounter Part 1

The Papua New Guinea Sightings

Short UFO fact: [The Durant Report (aka the Roberston Panel) was a secret group of men who had meetings at Pentagon between 14-17th of January 1953 about the UFO discussion and what they should do about it. They all agreed that all sightings were explainable. But they thought that infiltrating UFO groups and monitor should be done. The members of the Robertson Panel was: Dr. H.P Robertson (Chairman) - Speciality was physics and weapons systems. Dr. Luis Alvarez - Physics and Radar. Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner - Geophysics. Dr. Samuel Goudsmit - Atomic structure and statistical problems. Dr. Thornton Page - Astronomy and Astrophysics. Dr. J Allen Hynek - Astronomy. Frederick C. Durant - Missiles and Rockets.]

Ufo Roswell A New Aparition

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Alien Abductees

Books On Ufos 3

Short UFO fact: [Vaucluse Beach, a suburb of Sydney, would be the location of a close encounter of the eerie kind. On July 19, 1965, a little after 5:00 P.M. Dennis Crowe, a one-time technical artist for English aircraft companies, was strolling along the beach, located not far from his home. In the distance, he began to see a glow, and as he moved closer, he could make out the shape of a disc-shaped object, sitting on legs on the sandy beach. Crowe guessed the object's diameter at 20 feet, and he could now see a glowing blue-green hue rim around it, with the craft's two parts a dullish gray. The top appeared to be a transparent dome. The disc shaped craft was sitting silently. Crowe had made his first observations at several hundred feet, and as he came to within about 60 feet, the object lifted itself from the ground. Crowe could now hear a sound... a sound like air being forced out of a balloon. The disc shaped UFO quickly climbed into the air, and within about 10 seconds, it had disappeared.]

Area 51 Video 12

Crop Circle Connector 3

Short UFO fact: [Robert Campbell, Patrolman Peter McCollum, Sherman TX; Aug 2, 1965. 3 AM: "... a glowing UFO hovered near Sherman, TX. Broadcasting stations, police, and other agencies had been flooded with reports for hours. Television cameraman Robert Campbell was out with Patrolman Peter McCollum, interviewing witnesses and watching the objects for themselves. Campbell took a still picture of the hovering UFO - a two minute time exposure while he and the police officer watched the thing. The picture was overexposed, possibly due to the brilliance of the UFO..."]

Ufo History Photos

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