Monday, April 11, 2011

Real Pictures Of Real Aliens

Alien And Ufo Pictures 4

Short UFO fact: [On September 4, 1964, 28 year old Donald Shrum and his friends were bow and arrow hunting at Cisco Grove, Placer County, California. Shrum had become separated from the rest of the group and decided to sleep. His attention was drawn, however, to the sight of a white light which zig-zagged through the trees at low altitude. It was a strange-looking object, different from anything he had seen before. After a short period of time, he was shocked to see three beings approaching the tree. Two of them seemed to be a humanoid-type of being, while the third was more robot-like. Shock became utter panic now, as the three began to shake the tree in an attempt to dislodge him. He vividly recalls a white vapor being shot from the robot's mouth; which rendered him unconcious. As dawn approached Shrum was soon rescued, and reunited with the other hunters. ]

Second Plane Crash A Rare View From Inside

Alien Bodies 3

Short UFO fact: [At approximately 5:00 p.m. on the evening of December 21, as he drove east along Route 250 between Staunton and Waynesboro, Virginia, Horace Burns, a gunsmith in Harrisonburg, saw an immense cone-shaped object cross low over the highway ahead of him. It was moving in a north to south direction at a slow speed estimated to be about 15 mph. The point of the cone was tipped slightly forward in the object's line of flight. The object was so large, that when it crossed the road ahead of him it had more than filled the entire width of his windshield. In the gathering darkness, Burns could not make out with certainty the exact nature of the object's surface material but it gave the appearance of a dull, metallic finish.]

Ufo Lithuania July Same As Bristol And Germany

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Aliens Ufos

Betty Barney Hill Abduction

Short UFO fact: [PROJECT SNOWBIRD. An alleged ongoing 1972 Top Secret project that researched, developed and implemented alien spacecraft technology and test flown recovered UFOs. It is possible that the UFO involved in the CASH/LANDRUM CASE was built by the Americans as part of this project, however another "Project Snowbird" has been found described as a "Joint Army/Air Force peacetime military exercise in the sub-arctic region in 1955" in the 1963 Gale Research's Code Names Dictionary. Project Snowbird is another project that was only revealed in the PROJECT AQUARIUS Briefing Document.]

Mars Nasa Cover Up Pt 2

Cnn News Ufo

Short UFO fact: [SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION (SSE) Office of the Secretary, P.O. Box 3818, University Station Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-0818 Laurence W. Fredrick (Secretary) 804-924-4905 : 804-924-3104 Publishes the Journal of Scientific Exploration and The Explorer . Established in 1982. A tax-exempt group that investigates various anomalies, including UFOs. Although its president Professor Peter Sturrock of Stanford University, all contact with SSE should be made through Laurence W. Fredrick.]

Ufo Texas Cnn Reports

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Alien Research

Ufo Fake Crash

Short UFO fact: [Many abductees often account for recieving messages from Aliens.The messages may come as strong telepathic communication,Strong Feeling or a Mental Image.Here's a list of messages generally recieved by the abductees from the Aliens : * Catastrophic Visions * Mental images or Closed ones Perishing * Ecological Disasters * Teachings of Peace of Mankind * Other Env. Concerns]

Proyecto Ovni

Ufo Footage

Short UFO fact: [On the 24th day of April 1950, 42 year old factory worker Bruno Facchini was working the late shift, and stepped outside to get some fresh air on his break. His home city of Varese in Italy had just had a severe thunderstorm. The last distant streaks of lightning were still visible as Bruno decided to see if the electrical system had popped a circuit breaker. He was shocked to see a circular shaped, glowing object with a ladder descended from its bottom. At the top of the UFO was a greenish glow which partially obscured a light-skinned being. The unusual being appeared to be welding something on the craft.]

Ufo Istanbul Kumburgaz Turkey

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