Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sightings Of Ufo

Ovni Movies 3

Short UFO fact: [During the incident in Rosswell, The USA Military initially had announced to the world that it had captured a flying saucer on a remote ranch in Corona, and then about four hours later corrected the story, saying that what was found was just a weather balloon with a radar reflector kite. We have two stories. Which one is the truth? Though subsequent confirmations of the balloon theory continue, as long as we have firsthand witnesses who defy this explanation, the investigation must continue. Of all of the explanations given to Project Bluebook, it is quite strange that the Roswell story was never mentioned. The story that died so quickly was rarely mentioned from the beginning, the only one, to my knowledge, was in a mid-1950's lecture by UFO enthusiast Frank Edward. It seems that from the beginning, a grass roots group of believers would perpetuate this grand story. When we solve the puzzle of the many UFO reports, it will be due to this grass roots movement. ]

Conspiracy New World Order Illuminati Alien Secrets Part 7

Pictures Of Aliens 4

Short UFO fact: ["Roswell," the very mention of the word brings images of a crashed UFO, aliens, government cover-up, autopsies, hidden debris, guarded charred bodies, and weather balloons. In the history of UFO reports, no case has received the world-wide attention as the Roswell event of 1947. Not only did the alleged crash of a flying saucer create mass coverage at the time of the event, but remains today as an often discussed case by which all other cases are judged. So many books and articles have been written about Roswell, it is not an easy task to write another, but I feel that no UFO enthusiast cannot include it among his comments. The Roswell event is the cornerstone of UFO research. The case offers everything one could imagine; a crash of some flying craft, direct, hands on testimony of witnesses who handled crash debris, government cover-up and secrecy, and most of all a list of participants which is generally listed at around 500 first and secondhand testimonials.]

Ufo Might Have Saved China From A Nuke Attack

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Roswell Incident

Aliens Among

Short UFO fact: [Over two thousand UFOs were reported in Scandinavia in 1946. They looked like missiles with a flame exhaust at one end and they travelled at various speeds. Some reports says that they landed an exploded. Analysis of the fragments showed that they were made of organic substance that resembled carbide. The investigation was closed by the Army after a Greek investigation publicly announced that these were not missiles. This was in the year 1967.]

Ufo Lands On Ground In Canada

Aliens And Ufo

Short UFO fact: [The U.S. Government is accused of a conspiracy with the Greys. The Government allows them to abduct humans and in exchange they get their technology.]

Tinley Park Lights 1012005

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Aliens Research

Ufos Site 3

Short UFO fact: [The Dark Side Hypothesis is a set of theories formulated by John Lear. Lear claims that in the 1980's the US government and the aliens got together and are working together so that the US can gain some more alien technology. Lear claims that there is a secret US government that is overseeing the abductions and that the abductees have implants in them that control them so that when an ideal time came, the secret government could enslave them and control them via drug addiction. The head of the secret government would be MJ-12. Lear's sources were PAUL BENNEWITZ, BOB LAZAR and, later on, BILL COOPER. When Bob Lazar went public on US TV in 1989, he said that he did not believe any of Lear's claims and distanced himself from Lear and any of his associates. ]

Low Altitude Ufo Sighting In South Of France Clear Shot Flv

Unidentified Flying Object 2006 Paris 3

Short UFO fact: [D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is using these Technologies to manipulate people with Mind Control Implants, Bio-Psi Units, ELF Devices capable of Mood, Sleep and Heartbeat Control, ect,ect.. They establish 'The Projects', set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many participants in these undertakings. Related Projects are studied at Sandia Base by "The Jason Group" (of 55 scientists). They have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of Technology and hidden the beneficial Technology from the Public.]

Top Secret Ufos With Bob Lazar 3 Of 6

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