Short UFO fact: [Gulf Breeze Sightings is the well known story about Ed Walters and his wife Frances Walters. A series of UFO sightings that has taken place in Gulf Breeze, Florida since 1987. Ed Walters claims that the aliens have tried to abduct both him and his wife. He also claims that he can hear a low humming noise in his head when the UFOs are near.]
Short UFO fact: [The U.S. Government is accused of a conspiracy with the Greys. The Government allows them to abduct humans and in exchange they get their technology.]
Short UFO fact: [In 1932 strange reports about unmarked airplanes over the northern Sweden, Norway and Finland started to appear. The air crafts were piloted by mysterious figures in grey or dark hoods and goggles. The Swedish government sent out 24 Air Force biplanes in 1932 to investigate the sightings. They came up with nothing accept two crashed planes and two dead pilots.]
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