Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Roswell Ufo Crash

Alien Existence

Short UFO fact: [22 Apr 1977: Adelaide, a woman was returning home when suddenly she saw a bright light ahead of the car. It became bigger and brighter as if approaching. The headlights of the car and the radio went off, then the two red ignition and oil lights came on indicating the motor had stalled. After a few seconds all systems came back on. A magnetic signature check revealed nothing of significance. ]

Mexicano Graba Ufo Texas 2008

Aliens Ufo Latest

Short UFO fact: [2 Jul 1977: Sandfly, an eighteen year old man and his sister were driving at fifty km/h when the man noticed a reflection in the middle of his outside rear vision mirror, of a very bright red light. It seemed near the ground 250 metres away. The light may have followed the car. Soon after the light was seen the car's engine seemed to loose power for fifteen to twenty seconds as if the ignition had been turned off. The driver let the clutch out, selected first gear and coasted down a slight decline and clutch started the engine. The light had by now gone. Later on going up an incline the same thing happened again. However, it did not quite stop and he used the ignition to restart it.]

Ufo Ovni Crash Colombia Alien Reptilian Grey 2007

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Tags: newest sightings  1965 crash  area secrets  alien gray  alien sitings  


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