Thursday, January 6, 2011

Real Pics Of Ufos

Keyhoe Ufo Vision 2

Short UFO fact: [November 10, 1957. Mrs. Leita Kuhn saw a huge glowing object in back, about 60 feet above the ground. It was about 40 feet wide and 10 feet thick with a dome on top, and glowing with a phosphorescent light. The top was brilliant and it hurt her eyes to look at it. Puffs of apparent exhaust appeared around the bottom increasingly, until she became unnerved by the spectacle and ran in the house. When she looked out the window, the object apparently had disappeared. The time was 1:55 a.m. ]

What Is Going On

Levelland Texas Landings 2

Short UFO fact: [A reported sighting of a UFO with occupants seen through its windows, having a number of similarities to both the Squyres and the Knight cases, occurred in Connecticut, five years later, on December 16, 1957. The Air Force did investigate these sightings, but offered no reasonable cause for what was seen that night. The case is still considered "unexplained."]


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