Monday, December 20, 2010

Nasa Secret Files

Mars Aliens

Short UFO fact: [Researchers say they have sometimes detected an unexplained sound at 5KHz frequency emanating from crop circles for just a few days after they are formed. "This corresponds to reports of eyewitnesses who often claim to hear a 'trilling' sound coming from the direction of the formations," says "Peculiarities of Crop Circles".]

Stephenville Ufo Video

Nazi Ufo Pictures

Short UFO fact: [In 1991, two American nuclear physicists, Michael Chorost and Marshall Dudley, applied their expertise to crop circle research. "After subjecting a number of seed and soil samples to rigorous lab analysis," according to Freddy Silva's article, "Analysis of Crop-Circle Affected Crops and Soil," "their main discovery was that the soil in genuine formations contained no less than four, short-lived radioactive isotopes - vanadium, europium, tellurium and ytterbium. Tests conducted on soil from the Beckhampton July 31 formation yielded alpha emissions 198% above control samples, beta emissions 48% above, both of which seemed 'strikingly elevated,' since they were two to three times as radioactive as soil from outside the formation." Analyzed DNA samples from plants in another circle were found to be considerably more degraded than that of surrounding plants.]

Ufo Over Germany 22108 Part Ii Orange Cloud

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Tags: crash roswell  alien moon  crop history  real photo  real crashes  nasa 1994  spacecraft pictures  alien sightings real  


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