Friday, July 23, 2010

Aliens Pictures Nasa

Alien Implants 3

Short UFO fact: [SOLARIANS is human residents of the 'Sol' System who claim to have ties with ancient Terran societies, especially subterran societies which developed off-planet travel early on and established underground bases and colonies on various planetary bodies in the 'Sol' system, including the Jovian moons and the Saturnian moons on or under which they have allegedly established a 'Tribunal' center for the federated Solarian planets (Evadamic).]

Ufo 2007 France

Alien Move 3

Short UFO fact: [The experience of Lonnie Zamora on April 24, 1964 stands as one of the most profound ufo events in the modern history of the phenomena. To this day it remains a case in which all the facts involved support the witnesses claims and it is this kind of case that makes the ufo phenomenon such an enduring mystery. Lonnie Zamora saw a highly unusual device of unknown origin, what can only be described as a "craft" of some kind, and he reported seeing what he believes were occupants. Despite the controversy which often surrounds the subject of UFOs, the incident at Socorro remains an example of what the UFO phenomenon is, in fact, all about. ]

The Energy 106 Alien Abductions Belfast

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Tags: crop designs  alien photographs  mysteries bermuda triangle  objects pictures  recent sightings  1947 roswell  alien authopsy  real alien images  roswell 1947  aliens real  


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