Short UFO fact: [The Ice Caves is one of the Greys secret bases on earth. It's located near Los Alamos Laboratory Facility in New Mexico.]
The Energy 106 Alien Abductions Belfast
Short UFO fact: [John Keel had a theory about alien entities as not only extra-terrestrials but "ultra-terrestrial" entities from a dimension not known to humans. John Keel believed that they don't like humans and just looks at the human race, with his own words: 'like ants, trying to view reality with very limited perceptive equipmenta€¦ We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use us in any way they see fit. They have been doing it to us forever'. Keel is the author of the following books: Disneyland of the Gods, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse - 1970 and The Mothman Prophecies - Illuminet Press - 1991.]
Ufo Hunters Invasion Illinois Pt 55
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