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DESCRIPTION: My mother and I experienced an encounter in Quincy, Missouri around 1974. It was in the middle of the night and everyone was asleep. I slept in the back bedroom with my brothers. My bed was under the window where you could see our 3 calves. I awoke to the calves crying. I heard this humming noise. I tried to get up to see what it was, but I was pinned to the bed. It felt like a pressure holding me down. I couldn't even speak and the humming went away after a couple minutes. My mother was awoken by the humming.
She said that she could not move nor did she even attempt to. My mother heard our dog pinned up against the front door. We never told anyone because they would laugh at us, but we discussed it twice now since then. The next day our calves were fine and so was our dog. We on the other hand were still in disbelief. Around the 1970s we remember that there was a lot of activity in the sky.
NOTE: The witness is correct that there was a lot of UFO activity in 1970s. The early and mid 1970s were rich with close encounters, humanoid encounters, and flying disk sightings.
Tags: abc phoenix ufos about ufo release ufo files ufo case files six activity house ghost hunter holes universes latest sighting
Latest UFOs could be 'looking to colonise'
April 27th, 2010
IT SEEMS backpackers and grey nomads are not the only life-forms that come back to the Northern Territory for the start of the dry season.
There has been a spate of UFO sightings across the NT in the past week and high-profile Acacia Hills UFO spotter Alan Ferguson said the UFOs were back in his patch on Sunday night - the first time they had been seen since last dry season.
"They are back, son," he said.
"It's always the way, right on cue. The dry season starts and there they are. They are like the grey nomads. Once the dry season comes, you can't get rid of them."
Mr Ferguson said his latest sighting came in the form of a bright white light that flashed past his home about 8pm on Sunday. "It just looked like the International Space Station - a big white light," he said.
"When it moves across it looks like a satellite, except it's huge.
"It's exactly the same thing that I saw at this time last year."
Mr Ferguson's latest sighting follows another at Howard Springs on Friday. Susan Clarke said she and her family witnessed a "huge spherical object" moving slowly across the night sky about 8pm.
"It was glowing red, orange and gold - none of us had ever seen anything like it before," she said.
Our UFO spotters have the backing of one of the world's top physicists in their belief life exists beyond planet Earth.
Professor Stephen Hawking said this week killer aliens do exist and could wipe out the human race.
"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," he said. "I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet.
"Such advanced aliens would become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise planets they reach."
--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring
Tags: finally science recognise real pic zona nevada aliens real photos ufo siteings wright air base ghost waverly popular haunts
David Rudiak recently updated his website about the 1994 Nellis Range UFO video.
"The Nellis Range UFO video is virtually unique among those in
the public domain in that an unidentified anomalous flying
object was not only captured in close-up by a military camera,
but also included overlaid tracking data and a time stamp,
permitting precise calculation of the trajectory and flight
characteristics, such as velocity and acceleration. In addition,
the video also has voices of various military range operators
discussing the object and trying to identify it without success.
"Among anomalous characteristics, the calculated data indicates that the object was capable of flying from 30 to 700 miles per hour, yet it is a rotating, multi-lobed, non-streamlined object (animation right). How the craft could fly at such high speed without streamlining is not clear. It also displays multiple
bursts of high acceleration/deceleration. The high speeds and
accelerations also rule out many conventional flying objects such as balloons, helicopters, or propeller driven aircraft.
Furthermore, the object shows no evidence of a propulsion
system, such as external engines or a trail that might be
expected from a jet- or rocket-propelled aircraft capable of such high speeds and accelerations. Finally, the object was highly maneuverable, executing a right-angle turn and going into steep climbs."
"The revised discussion has detailed maps, new graphs of performance and trajectory, and animations.
Tags: account abduction walton was philadelphia experiment ufo circle circles location extraterrestrial sightings alien crash could thought report possible exam
MUFON witness report - undisclosed location in Virginia - 2009 - unedited: I was at home around 9-10:00 PM. I am an astronomy nut and a believer in aliens and UFOs so recently I had been watching the skies and had noticed several lights blinking various different colors, lights above the clouds, etc., etc, for a few months, and had noticed some marks on my body that I had jokingly suggested were the results of an abduction. Of course nobody believed me but I was alright with that and I was pretty happy to just go outside when my mother asked me to bring out our dog and watch the lights.
However, that particular night I noticed something different, there was a brighter light just above the roof of my apartment complex. Well, obviously I stood there and just stared at it for a minute trying to figure out what it might be, because I'd never seen anything like that before. It wasn't blinking, it was just staying stationary in the sky but was way too bright to be a star. For a minute I thought it could be Jupiter, though I had no idea whether or not I could see Jupiter from where I was at that time during the year because I had recently moved across the country. Then I thought, 'Hey, that could be a UFO, you should go get your camera!" and rushed into the house in order to get it, left my dog there and ran back out to stand exactly where I had been before.
I stood there with my camera for maybe thirty seconds, and after that I don't consciously remember being approached by the object nor it getting any closer to me. I have this sort of unconscious memory, instead, like a marker memory, where the object grew big and bright until it filled up my entire vision and I couldn't see anything but this blinding light. I couldn't see any features. I closed my eyes because it got too bright for me to keep them open and then when I opened them again, it was exactly where it had been in the sky. I was perfectly calm. I turned, walked back into my house, put down my camera, and tried to figure out what had happened. I looked at the clock, which I had checked just seconds before going out to take the picture, and found that ten minutes had passed. I was pretty calm about the entire ordeal, but after that I began noticing weird red marks on the insides of my elbows like needle marks and kept waking up with nosebleeds and getting weird pains in nose and sinus on one side. They continued for about a month and then stopped. I was calm about those, too, though I probably should have worried at that point, and for some reason felt almost like they were there for some important reason that I was vaguely aware of, but couldn't quite recall.
NOTE: interesting that this witness experienced minimal lost time but seems to think he was subjected to an examination or probe. Naturally, the witness could have gotten the time wrong but there seems to be more to this account. As well, I'd like to know if the witness was checked out by a physician. I hope MUFON conducts an inquiry if only to have the report validated...Lon
Report: Possible Abduction - Exam Marks / Physical After Effects
Tags: ufo real life cnn ufo first recorded account ufo airport area movie 2010 area crash sacrifices newborn entity appears versailles trianon
Source: Gil Bar, UFOs in Israel Timeline through Phantom and Monsters Blog
by Albert Rosales
Location: Al Sarafand, Israel - 1967 - night
A local resident watched a luminous egg-shaped object land nearby. As he watched he heard a telepathic message inviting him very amicably to enter. He accepted the invitation and entered the object through an opened hatch. Inside he was met by several short gray creatures with large hairless heads and huge black eyes.
He then noticed what appeared to be several 'operating tables', and begged the aliens not to examine him. He exited the object and walked backwards keeping his eyes on the object when suddenly a bright beam of light struck him on his stomach and sent him flying a distance of several meters. When he was able to move again the object had vanished. That same night other local residents reported seeing a bright UFO in the sky.
Tags: skeptic concerned image aliens ways house paranormal lights making indexing issues become sensitive history documentary dam island theory holds grain
UFO over South Carolina. (Credit: Joe Kiernan/NewsChannel 15)Multiple residents along South Carolina's Grand Strand recently observed UFOs in the sky.
"WPDE NewsChannel 15" recently aired a story about a July 18 sighting by Longs, SC resident Joe Kiernan. He told "NewsChannel 15" that he observed strange flashing lights in the night sky for more than three hours. He explains that these UFOs "did climbs, they went to altitudes, they changed directions that are beyond physics. It's just not possible."
After the story aired, other witnesses contacted "NewsChannel 15". The station interviewed witness Bill Barrett after he posted on the "NewsChannel 15" Facebook page. After explaining that the lights he saw made no sense to him, he stated, "If there's something out there or it's a military type situation, who knows? But it makes you scratch your head that's for sure."
MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) reports indicate that several others saw the same strange lights. According to one witness report, these lights "were coming from many directions and in many formations." The flashing lights reportedly occurred in many "different sequences of flashes." Orange spheres and white, twinkling lights were both described by witnesses.
"NewsChannel 15" reports that the Federal Aviation Administration says "none of its pilots reported anything strange in the air that night," and nearby Shaw Air Force Base was not conducting training missions along the coast that night. Witnesses and officials have no idea what the lights were, but some witnesses say that the July 18 sighting was not the first time they have observed these lights in the sky, and some have even seen the lights since.
Tags: first testimony abduction roswell area spiral recorded 2012 testimony account usa pilot ufo area new mexico encounters afraid hunters search russ lord peter ghostly
2002-Las Cruces, New Mexico, Triangle UFO
2002-Las Cruces, New Mexico. Taken on October 5, 2002. Witness stated: I took 4 pictures of the mountains to the west of Las Cruces, NM. The camera was a Canon G2 digital. The last shot taken at 4:49 pm was enlarged after downloading to a computer. Only then were the images of 2 objects noticed in the sky. One in the upper left was disk-shaped and appeared metallic in luster. A second object, below and to the right of the first, was apparently much smaller and/or further away. A previous shot taken 2 minutes earlier showed no objects.
Tags: spiral iran 2012 norway orb report flying alien ufo photos 1884 nebraska checking out earth tribute researchers died ancient history channel
Date: October 31, 2003Time: Around midnight.
I have never spoken of this outside of family and closest friends. On October 31, 2003 seven people including myself witnessed I believe these very same orbs in Houston, Texas at around midnight. They appeared from the south flying very low in formation, at least 7 or 8 right above a freeway. They actually seemed to see us running down the street to get a better look and came towards us, so low they were barely over the tree tops. It was the most amazing thing I have seen in my life.
There is a video on this website right now of a sighting in Turkey, the last 20 seconds clearly show what I believe to be the same orbs. These things can move incredibly fast, amazingly agile and completely silent to the human ear. But they seemed to respond to us in a friendly manner, dancing about in unison almost like they were performing a show. If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept confidential."
Tags: area ufo sightings alex contact human spiral recorded strange sighting come activity house features ufo witness geometry messages guest peter alien abductees
Argentina like most countries in South America has had a long history of UFO sightings. On January 2009 there was a UFO sighted in Argentina where many people witnessed the amazing sight as they pulled over along the highway filming the bright light descend. Astonished commuters stopped their vehicles to view one of the clearest sightings of a low flying UFO ever near Buenos Aires in Argentina. The event occurred at 8:41 PM on January 24 2009 besides the heavily polluted Cascallares Dam. Stunned witnesses dived into their cars for cell phones and one even was able to pull a pair of binoculars out of his boot. They then watched the most unworldly of objects rise and descend almost to road level while enthusiastically declaring it a UFO.
One witness, Mr Christian Soldano, was lucky enough to be carrying a high quality video camera with night vision and was able to capture this curious event. His astonishing film can be seen below.
Many have observed that this is simply one in a sequence of many sightings involving UFOs,Lakes and Dams in Argentina, further strengthening the theory that visiting extraterrestrials are using these lakes to park and conceal their UFOs and possibly build bases here on earth.
Tags: crop sacred real life aliens ufo investigated ufo google earth vital addition theory video nasa lawson professor researcher contactee lee hill absurdities adams bures
A man walking along the seafront in the popular northeast Malta tourist town of Qawra photographed a UFO.
The twenty-nine-year-old witness, who was visiting from Romania, saw the UFO hovering over the sea on Thursday, July 12 at approximately 8:00 PM. He explains, "I was out walking, when, all of a sudden, I saw something appear in the sky. It disappeared in a matter of a few seconds." He managed to quickly photograph the object with his cell phone camera, but was unable to determine the identity of the object. The witness describes the UFO as a dark, triangle-shaped object that moved at a high rate of speed.
UFO over Qawra. (Credit: Zfort Ertfay/Times of Malta)The "Times of Malta" reports that an elaborate military exercise by the Armed Forces of Malta, which included a helicopter, took place in the same area on that day, but the exercise occurred two hours after the sighting.
No reports of unusual aerial objects were received, and the Malta Air Traffic Services told the "Times of Malta", "From an air traffic management perspective, all aircraft flying at that hour were accounted for."
The witness's photo of the object is blurry and provides little detail. Judging by the photo alone, the object resembles a seagull in flight. But if the witness's testimony is accurate, and he did observe the object hovering over the sea before taking off, then the bird theory does not fit this particular situation.
We would love to hear your opinion about this photo. Share your thoughts with us on the Open Minds Facebook page.
Tags: base lunar ufo city footage series return skeptic klass ufo earth ufo probes jim ghost not adventures back ghost back
Location of Sighting: A3 Esher surrey
Date of Sighting: 11 april 2011
Time: 20 35
Witness Name: David H
Witness Statement: I was driving home on the A3 between Esher and Weybridge, I noticed a bright white light above the feild to my right, at first I thought it was normal light but I saw a star above the light and a plane in the distance, the plane was moving but the light and star was static. I looked more and noticed no flashing indicators, so confirmed this was not an aircraft, I passed two trees clumped together, I passed them in 2/3 seconds and the light just vanished. This light was to bright and to high to be a on a pole or tower. So I believe this to be unitentified flying object.
Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form.
Tags: atlantis was alien aliens sightings ufo real life ghost hunters investigators ufo movie binary crop circle true ghost help new explains ufos
David Rudiak recently updated his website about the 1994 Nellis Range UFO video.
"The Nellis Range UFO video is virtually unique among those in
the public domain in that an unidentified anomalous flying
object was not only captured in close-up by a military camera,
but also included overlaid tracking data and a time stamp,
permitting precise calculation of the trajectory and flight
characteristics, such as velocity and acceleration. In addition,
the video also has voices of various military range operators
discussing the object and trying to identify it without success.
"Among anomalous characteristics, the calculated data indicates that the object was capable of flying from 30 to 700 miles per hour, yet it is a rotating, multi-lobed, non-streamlined object (animation right). How the craft could fly at such high speed without streamlining is not clear. It also displays multiple
bursts of high acceleration/deceleration. The high speeds and
accelerations also rule out many conventional flying objects such as balloons, helicopters, or propeller driven aircraft.
Furthermore, the object shows no evidence of a propulsion
system, such as external engines or a trail that might be
expected from a jet- or rocket-propelled aircraft capable of such high speeds and accelerations. Finally, the object was highly maneuverable, executing a right-angle turn and going into steep climbs."
"The revised discussion has detailed maps, new graphs of performance and trajectory, and animations.
Tags: witness malta antonio alien sexual investigations worked russian kgb investigating photos real aliens why people alien public office roswell series alien coming out
Date: Fall 2010 (?)
Time: 8:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 5
I wish I could remember the exact time and date. I think it was early Fall of 2010. I walked from my house to barbecue hut on St-Charles Blvd in Kirkland, Qc. In the parking lot a young man in his 20's was looking up in the sky and pointed out what he thought were strange aircraft in the sky. The crafts were high altitude. Looking south in trajectory with St-Charles Blvd, I would estimate that the craft were hovering over Lac St-Louis near the Beaconsifeld shore line less than 2 km from my position.
The 5 crafts looked like stars (small white fuzzy dots), and hovered for a while slowly swaying, but not going really anywhere. One craft moved more than the rest. I focused my attention on that craft for a minute and all of a sudden it made a quick tight zigzag maneuver for about 3 seconds! When I say tight zig-zag, I mean it went in a straight general trajectory over a distance of at least 300 to 500 meters, but went right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left in the span of about 3 seconds!
Imagine going 100 meters a second in one direction while zig-zagging left, right, left every second at the same time.
A normal aircraft would get torn apart from the G-forces of such a maneuver.
I could only imagine an anti-gravity craft could possibly pull something like that off. To me it looked like a black project flight test, but who knows what I saw? I chatted with the young man for a few minutes and then he got in his car and left while I went to get my take out chicken. When I came out of the restaurant, the objects were still in the sky. I could still see them for a portion of my walk back home.
Has anyone else seen a craft that can do quick tight zig-zag flight maneuvers? If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept confidential."
Tags: ufo might ufo cartoon pictures gray alien area aliens evidence area alien facts police confirm real new mexico alien donald shrum
Me and my parents, sister and cousin where driving home from my cousins house between 12pm to 1am traveling from the direction of Ratzer Rd on Valley Rd, heading towards the direction of Riverview Dr. I was sitting in the back of the car and had looked out the back window and noticed a light over the road heading toward us. When it passed over us we were about 100 from the first entrance to High School on the right. My parents were talking and I said look a UFO, they first didn't respond then I said it louder.
When it passed over it went slighting in a right direction where at that time there had been a old church converted to a PAL building with a roughly 40 foot Pine tree next to it. Today they are both gone and the main entrance is now there. When my mother saw it she said what is that and told my father to pull into the High school entrance. We parked by the front doors of school and the UFO was about 6 feet above the tree. The UFO was, I would say, around 40 diameter and as I can remember seemed as though the top was turning in one direction and the bottom the other and the middle seemed to be all boxed lights not moving with a glowing look.
The UFO was stationary for about a minute or two and again as I remember no one in the car was talking. Now in the direction of Preakness Ave which is a hill heading towards Paterson about two miles out you could see a small planes lights flying over Paterson guessing 2000 ft elevation. I didnt notice this until the UFO headed that way. When the UFO took off it went in the direction of the plane when it was just above the plane did this in less then a second then went vertical over it and disappeared. I had mentioned it at school to a school mate the following school year whose mother called my mother because the had been in West Paterson that night at a party and saw it.
The odd thing was years later, when brought only 2 of the 5 had no memory of the encounter. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Tags: secret photo album ufology ancient series aliens pictures real saved nuke sulby isle aquarius project final shuttle continues secrets put map
Alien Contact is a documentary on SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is the collective name for a number of activities people undertake to search for extraterrestrial life.
SETI projects use scientific methods to search for electromagnetic transmissions from civilizations on distant planets. The United States government contributed to earlier SETI projects, but recent work has been primarily funded by private sources", quoted from Wikipedia.
Tags: collier contact ets nasa secrete recorded walton studies ufos 2012 aliens pics alien moving about aliens boas encounter
As we move towards imminent disclosure there are tons of videos and images being shared on the internet of anomalous lights seen by folks all around the world. There is absolutely no denying the fact that we have "Cosmic Company" and there are some in places of power and control who are trying to keep this information from the masses... making it all sound like a big joke, Hey~Lucy~Nation, perhaps... :) Here's a NASA Image of our Sun taken on the 24th August 2010...
The image seen now on the official NASA website here... has clearly been altered, yet again... UFO Disclosure has begun folks !
Thank You NASA... :)
Tags: photographs aliens have aliens ufos new area pics police confirm sighting alien gif worked solve crime about paranormal world ghosts force base link paranormal
Full Description of Event/Sighting: From 7:59 to 8:25pm on March 17th, 2009 (forgot DST on the camera, so time shows an hour earlier).
My sons and I saw another UFO in the skies over Long Beach, California. We were in the backyard of our home taking pictures of whatever might look interesting, as sky-watching is our hobby.
We do it at least 5 days a week to relax after a long day and I've been teaching them the constellations. I then noticed something that didn't fit what we've come to know as a terrestrial craft, whether a jet, prop or experimental aircraft.
There was an object that was going from the west to the east and there was no red light visible (FAA REG) as with all other aircraft taking off from the airport. Then it started to hover and immediately changed direction and again did not have the FAA green light on its opposite side. I have almost 60 photos of this sighting and you really must see them all to be able to appreciate what is going on here.
From my vantage point of about a mile off of the Pacific coast, this craft was hovering on the southern horizon, probably above the electric company at the corner of Studebaker and 2nd Street/Westminster. After hovering, the craft would then make 160-180 degree turns going east, then west, then repeating while slowly drifting further south - over the Pacific Ocean - towards the famed "Redondo Trench". This went on, as can be seen in the properties of my photos, for 26 full minutes. At the time of our sighting this time, it was not clear what shape the object actually was until the photos were analyzed upon download to my computer and even then, it seemed only the lights were visible.
As far as structure and the apparent "shape-shifting abilities", this was one spectacular sighting! However it didn't beat the Triangle "Mothership" we all saw last November 12th, and I don't think anything else could! That was reported the same day on UFO Northwest, if you are interested. Anyway, I took a few "real-time" photos of the craft, but didn't want to "waste" the pictures and knew the only way to be sure to "get proof" was to take timed shots, so - as a result - most of the almost 60 photos I shot were 8 second exposures at a F 2.5 setting with an exposure value at +2.00 (the highest my camera goes) and certainly showing the true colors of the crafts lights and its flight pattern/path. I used a high-pixel, Sony Cybershot digital camera and did not alter the originals at all! I have kept their integrity to help you to prove or disprove whatever it was that caused more than ten helicopters to be in the air after it disappeared, and caused them to refuel and return to the search for the next 2 hours or so.
The light appeared to be of whitish/yellow color with a bit of red from time to time, and what got my attention was that the lights and colors did not match the FAA regulations with regards to Red on the left and green on the right and white lights that blink 40x per minute. This thing pulsed and then stayed lit. Then it blinked white lights fast and then went back to pulsing again only to follow it with another blast of bright, solid light for another thirty to sixty seconds. From where I was, it looked like a saucer, then looked like 2 doing maneuvers together. Then it looked like two orbs that were connected somehow, then "shape-shifting" into something else... more square-round. I would also like to mention that based on the photos I have taken, I have reason to believe their may have been more than one craft in the sky last night, too.
Several shots seem to show what could be mistaken for stars, but upon closer inspection, can be seen to have the same color coding/ shading as the initial craft and in two of my photos, it looks as if their are 2 saucers of another shape that might even be a couple of boomerangs, but on a timed photo, it is hard to tell. You are the experts and I do hope that my final disclosure to you will help figure out what is happening on our planet.
Well, this was absolutely incredible, but did not come close to others I and my family have had and would like to talk with an investigator about. Last night, there were a total of 7 of us and an 8th joined in at the last minute, that witnessed this sighting and the after-effects. Only three of us saw it for the first 20 minutes or so, because I was getting pictures while the boys watched and tried to get neighbors out to see it, too.
Tags: police real sighting new pics photos ufo spooky footage life real aliens moon nasa base ufo ghosts higher picture history
200 Meter UFO Hovers over Russia Village, Attacked by Russian Jets and leaves area, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 2011
Location of sighting: Village of Lesopilniy, Khabarovsk, Russia
One eyewitness states: "It was 200 meters in size, much bigger than a large passenger plane. Most residents hid in fear in their homes, however they sent one brave local out to spy on the craft."
An important UFO event has taken place yet again in Russia, receiving massive media attention in that nation while being blacked out by the international UFO cover-up in the West.
Residents of the village Lesopilniy in the region of Khabarovsk noticed a huge revolving object descend on the settlement. The alien spacecraft was described as glowing and two lights were seen on its body. Dozens of stunned locals, young and old, gathered on the streets as the object silently hovered just above the rooftops.
The object was picked up by military radar and soon flares and shots were fired at the UFO from a nearby military base. The object changed direction at this point and eventually shot off into the sky. The event lasted over two hours. A number of residents filmed the event on their mobile phone cameras, however the object was not visible when they replayed their clips.
It is now believed international talks, behind closed-doors, will commence and an investigation as to why the military fired on a peaceful alien craft far more capable of doing damage than any human contraption. Political leaders will be hoping that this action will not jeopardise Humanity's galactic standing, and will be put down to our primitive nature.
Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"
Tags: pictures aliens ufos circle movie people footage 1997 ufo anomaly flap lights circles ufo crash mexico roswell nuevo esher surrey april
"A couple of specks of light in Tuesday's giant haboob cloud have some crying "UFO".
According to ABC15, the specks in question were spotted by UFO hunter websites.
The Open Minds website posted the Air15 video and wrote: "The object appears to have an almost saucer-like shape, which fueled speculation of extraterrestrial craft." They also offer their own explanation about what the object most likely was.
Sadly for UFO hunters, the specks of light visible in the video turned out to be airplanes trying to outrun the storm for the shelter of Phoenix Sky Harbor.
"I saw the planes the whole time and I actually heard the pilots describing the low visibility conditions as they were making their approach into Sky Harbor," said Air15 Photojournalist Jesse Rutherford who shot the video in question.
Air15 was flying about 400 feet over Tempe and facing east to capture the massive dust storm rolling across the Valley."
Tags: bob hoje short about area reports have carol facchini ufo interview close encounters kind come swan wytheville has studies ufos 2012
Many have gained interest in a series of UFO sightings even up to now. These sightings are not just fabricated or a fiction thing intended just to attract public attention. In fact, proofs span from several witnesses to videos to photographs that depict how these strange flying objects appear. One of the unforgettable cases happened in 1997 in Phoenix, Arizona, which continues to stir the mystery over the appearance of a number of lights in the night sky.
About 7:30 PM on March 13 of that year, residents in Phoenix were stunned to see phenomenal lights of unknown origin. The phenomenon was called the "Phoenix Lights," which was actually witnessed in other Arizonian cities. The city of Phoenix was the first city in the state to report unknown lights, which were concluded by many as UFOs.
According to witnesses, they saw an unknown object with six points of lights that was flying very low that they could see mountainous areas behind it. The craft was described to have a tremendous length and that its lights changed from one color to another.
A retired airplane pilot and a U.S. Marshall pilot were among the most reliable informants of the reported movements of the said UFO. Both pilots reported that the size of the said craft was immense and that it measured up to a mile long.
Sightings of UFOs in Phoenix are still reported up to now. Many are wondering why such phenomenon continues to exist despite being rejected by some skeptics. Perhaps, such event would never be unforgotten unless humans truthfully believe that they are not alone.
Tags: recognize existence crop video alien sighting itaipu esher 11th april ufos pics videos code circle bigfoot spotted sydney checking area earth
Jaime Maussan reports on another triangle UFO sighting which occurred over Bergen, Norway on the night of November 14, 2011. These orbs of light in triangle formation are appearing all over the world. These are not chance sightings. These are intentional appearances. So what is their purpose?
Could it be that people from another planet are trying to slowly and gently wake us up to the reality that we are not alone? Perhaps they wish to make contact with us, but they understand that we are too emotionally fragile to handle a sudden and unexpected visit, and this is part of the process of initiating direct face-face communication.
Do not fear these visitors. These are not the actions of a hostile people. These are the actions of a very wise and benevolent race which understands human psychology very well. The orbs are very non-threatening. They stimulate wonder and discussion. They encourage us to think for ourselves, rather than force the reality upon us in the form of a massive, intimidating ship. They understand we need time to absorb and process this new reality.
But rest assured, they will eventually introduce themselves. So don't be afraid. Let's show them that we are ready to meet them. Let's show them we are ready to take the next step in our evolution. To end our isolation and ignorance. The time for change is now.Jaime Maussan
Tags: former sees ufo photos ufos crop circles explained aykroyd unplugged ufos friedman ufo meier ufo crowe hauntings ghosts ghost fairy reports
Our reader from Iran just reported some strange spiral UFO hovering above Tabriz, Hamedan, Shiraz, Karaj, Tehran, Kermanshah, Mashhad and many other cities in Iran. All of the videos were recorded on Thursday, 7th June 2012 by different persons. According to some witnesses, a white light suddenly exploded and formed a cloud around it, which quickly spread and took half of the sky. Similar videos were also recorded over Israel, Turkey, Russia, Jordan and Lebanon on the same night.
What could this be? Asteroid, military missile test or something stranger? Leave your comments below!
Video from Israel:
Mysterious luminous object appears over Lebanon, Turkish-Syrian Border
The Israeli military is trying to clarify the origin of an unidentified flying object that appeared in the night sky. Thousands of witnesses called the emergency services claiming they had seen a UFO.
Eyewitnesses reported that a small ball of light moving, leaving a white trail before forming into a spiral.
This phenomenon was also observed by astronomers. According to them, the complex trajectory of the object points to an artificial origin. Israeli journalists have suggested that it could be a ballistic missile.
However, the Ministry of Defense reported that no testing and launch were performed that night. The object was reported in Israel, Lebanon, and other states in the region.
Date: 1972/73
Time: N/A
I was stationed on Adak and have a UFO story for you if interested. Let me know.
Additional Information:
Okay let me get my papers together. I kept my Navy papers and I can prove I was stationed there. I was a radioman with a top secret clearance. I was stationed at the navfac unit with ocean system technicians, it either late Fall or early Spring maybe as late as May of 73. We knew the guys that operated the large microwave dish antennas and they told us we would be able to see our astronauts going by in orbit if the sky was clear.
We went out that night, spotted our astronauts in orbit. We waited for it to come around again and when it did an object, just pinpoint of light about as large as our capsule came shooting in at a high rate of speed and kind of zig zagged around the astronauts and making right angle maneuvers then shot back out and was gone. This all took about 5 seconds. My friend and I both looked at each other and said, did you see that? We both knew we could not talk about it because of our clearances. I don't remember if this was the last Apollo mission or was it one of the unmanned Skylab missions. Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thank you to the witness for the sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Tags: addition general studies jun 2012 top secret images possible physical real photos ufos want believe paranormal true learn about mystery road paranormal ghosts ufos
A new image shows a UFO that appeared to witnesses "as bright as a second sun" crossing the skies over the ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake Washington on the evening of Monday, June 27, 2011. The event was just one in a series of ongoing sightings that occurred during the previous four nights, captured in both visible light and infrared night vision using a stereo camera imaging system.
The image also shows lights on Mt. Adams accompanied by mysterious flights over the peak, a UFO that disappears in mid-air while flying in clear skies, witnesses using lights to engage luminous vehicles, orbs swarming around a low-flying UFO and incredible acceleration when what appears to be an inter-dimensional spaceship makes a rapid exit.
Tags: studies ufo jun wright patterson base hovers russian village sulby isle man jaime maussan ufo ufo sightings states ghost hunting beings might indicate
Simon Parkes, a British man recently elected to the Whitby town council in North Yorkshire, has a secret that he is finally sharing with the world - his mother was a space alien. In an interview for Metro, he recounts an episode in which the alien appeared to him as a baby and explained their strange relationship.
I was looking straight into its face. It enters my mind through my eyes and it sends a message down my optic nerve into my brain, saying "I am your real mother, I am your more important mother".'
The extraterrestrial is said to have had huge eyes and tiny nostrils. Mr Parkes, 52, said another alien encounter occurred when he was three and had chicken pox. A 2.4m (8ft) 'doctor' dressed as a waiter offered to help after Mr Parkes's mother left him at home, it is claimed.
Three years later his 'real mother' took him on board an alien craft.
Many contactees have stories like this, but this is the first case I know of in which a sitting politician has been so open about them. Granted, the Whitby town council is not exactly the national stage, but you never know - this could be the first phase of a takeover by genetically engineered alien hybrids of the strategically important town of North Yorkshire. Parkes further explains that his experiences with aliens compare quite favorably to those with his fellow Town Councillors.
He added: 'I get more common sense out of the aliens than out of Scarborough town hall. The aliens are far more aware of stuff.'
Given the ongoing nature of politics, truer words were perhaps never spoken.
One wonders if Parkes might be part of an ongoing diabolical research program to breed more alien hybrids. This breeding program was first revealed to the public back in 1999 in one of my all-time favorite segments from "The Daily Show".
As John Stewart comments at the end of the segment, "If that's the truth that's out there, lie to me." But perhaps that's what the extraterrestrials are counting on as their plans unfold.
Tags: usa pilot ufo alien images real crop circles wytheville center may files did make ghost change capture photo unidentified picture not fake
Trinidad, Beni, 25 Apr (Erbol) - An alleged Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) caused fear and concern among residents of the municipality of Magdalena, Province of It'enez, in the Department of Beni, BOLIVIA.
According to the report on "It'enez" Radio, belonging to the Erbol Network, the object was seen around midnight on April 16 of this year as the "Jos'e, Mar'ia y Juan" religious act came to a close at the municipality's main square.
The local station reported that residents claimed seeing an unidentified flying object for more than 15 minutes.
"To the north of the municipality we could see an object flying around at low altitude over the town. It looked like an enormous piece of hot coal, seen by all of us present at the site," said a witness.
Some of the townspeople managed to take photos of the phenomenon on their cell phones.
by Scott Corrales, The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Tags: alien flying saucer news about jaime maussan reports wright afb aliens devils tower ufo ufo information image ufo area51 aliens
The 'Candy Shop' rapper is a massive fan of fantasy novels and is certain there are other life forms which are deliberately kept hidden from the public.
He said: "I read a lot of science fiction because I just want to get away from what's going on at the time, I read fantasy books.
"Like things about different planets and other worlds. It's interesting how often they've made films with aliens in them and it has to come from somewhere.
"Why do I keep seeing the aliens landing on earth in films? I believe something is going on that they ain't telling us!"
The 34-year-old rapper has never made contact with aliens or UFOs himself, and is worried his fans will think he is crazy when they find out he is obsessed with extra-terrestrials.
He added: "I've never seen a UFO. I'm crazy enough to be putting what I've said out there. People will be seeing this about UFOs and stuff and thinking '50 getting high!'"
Tags: ufo files cool circles real picture alien seti mexico ufos jun alien body new hunt ufos edward john haunts ghostly photos
MUFON receives another report of possible missing time/alien abduction.
Here is the unedited report.
MUFON Case # 25266
Date: 09/02/2010
Time: 04:33
Location: Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Shape: Cigar,Cylinder
Duration: 01:30:14
Distance: Unknown
Entity Type: Human-like,Unknown
Summary: I was walking my dog, saw a strange light in the sky, went back inside the house, went to bed.
I took my dog out at about 4:30 am, and saw a strange light in the sky, I thought it might just be a star, though it looked something like a cigar or cylinder shape? Anyway, I was tried, so I went back to bed, just laid down, that's when I saw a flash of green light, and a voice that spoke in some strange language that I never heard before? I couldn't move, I felt my dog up against me, but she never moved or barked? I tried very hard to move my arms and feet, but it was like having sleep paralysis, but I knew I was wide awake!? I definitely felt, and caught climpses of the presence of small shadowy figures in the bedroom? I knew I was trying to push them away from my face? I didn't feel as though I was in my bedroom anymore? The next thing I knew it was 6:04 when I woke up? I knew what happened wasn't a dream, because a little over an hour and 1/2 had passed since I saw the light in the sky, and I had just laid back down in my bed, and then it was 6:04? This is the 7th time in my life that something like this has happened to me that I know of, there may be other times that I don't remember? It felt so very real, and the strange thing was, I didn't feel afraid? I don't know what the green light said to me in the strange language, though I think now I may have heard it before, hut I wasn't afraid of it somehow? It all felt so familiar, yet I can't remember what exactly just happened to me? i feel as though I have went through this many many times before? ("Name removed").
Tags: ufo canada true ailen delhi airport did alien encounter ufo news croop circles panels unearthed guatemala elders saying about curious ancient