It seemed that almost everyone knew, pretty much was it was.
An astronomer said later it was probably a small asteroid, about the size of a minivan that had exploded above the ground. He said one this size hits the atmosphere about every year. Bits and pieces of it were picked up and I suspect the "Meteorite Men "(of Science Channel fame) were probably there within hours finding more.
So far, so good.
But ABC just couldn't resist relating this to UFOs and alien visitation. (True, it was extraterrestrial, but it then wasn't alien.)
They played the theme from "X-Files". They made reference to UFOs. All in good fun.
Except no one, but them, thought of this. The question is, "Why?"
To me, and I'm sure the people who are interested in these things, meaning meteorites, we didn't need the landscape cluttered with UFOs and the "X-Files". I enjoyed seeing the pictures and wondered why there was no video of this event. Surely a security camera somewhere, or someone with a cell phone or I Pad, managed to get a little bit of it.
Anyway, ABC proves, once again, what is wrong with the MSM (Main Stream Media). They just can't help themselves. They just have to inject a bit of personal opinion into the news... and was it news on Monday night when they reported on it? Everyone I know had already heard the story and seen the pictures.
Tags: ufo airport trade ufo ufo bible did antonio top documents alien astronaut spotted mercury real alien spaceship hunters cape