Monday, May 24, 2010

Gif Ufo

Arizona Area 51 3

Short UFO fact: [TAOS HUM is a mysterious humming noise that have been reported by local residents. Supposedly people can hear a low pitched hum reverberating throughout Northeast New Mexico. It is thought that there is a connection between the hum and the strange goings on along the New Mexico/Colorado border concerning black helicopters, strange lights, cattle mutilations undergroung bases. However no proof or explanation has yet been discovered for these humming noises.]

Nasa Sts 115 Space Shuttle Ufo 1 19092006

China Ufo 3

Short UFO fact: [TECTONIC STRAIN THEORY (TST) is a theory of electromagnetic effects upon the human brain and/or the physical environment, such that all Forteana including UFOs, ghosts, ESP, sasquatch, and religious fervour can be explained as being caused by seismic activity generating electromagnetic radiation which in turn makes people think they are witnesses to an anomalous event. Alternatively, the EMM radiation can luminesce so that it appears as a UFO. Chief proponent: Michael Persinger. A variant is the "Earth Lights" hypothesis described by Paul Devereux.]

Ufo Probes Footage Global Ufos Caught On Video And Photographed

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Ufok 2012

Ufo Art 3

Short UFO fact: [Gordon Cooper was one of America's original astronauts. He helped pioneer this country's space exploration efforts when, aboard a tiny space capsule known as Mercury [Faith] 7. Cooper has recently made several public pronouncements concerning his strong belief in UFOs. While a guest on the Merv Griffin Show, Cooper shocked the viewing audiences by speaking for over five minutes on a topic that was only within the past few years often considered too bizarre for polite conversation. ]

Unknown Radio Signal

Ufo Ck 3

Short UFO fact: [A Monon railroad train crew reported seeing a UFO in north central Indiana. It was about 3.20 A.M. on Friday October 3, 1958... freight train no. 91 was enroute southbound from Monon, to Indianapolis. UFO were about 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick. The two flying straight up and down were approximately over the edges of the right of way and about 200 yards in back of the caboose. If they had been flying flat down instead of edgewise. They would have just about have touched edges so they must have seen somewhere around 40 feet across the bottom.]

Rea 51 13

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Ufo Best Of

Nazi Ufo 2009 3

Short UFO fact: [15 Aug 1976: Boyer, two people in a utility noted an approaching light which then drew back. "Something" shone a light in the vehicle's back window. It seemed 125 meters back and 250 metres up in the air, looking like a jelly bean with a dome on top. The vehicle's radio's volume faded and the inside of the ute lit up. The road swung under a cliff and the light wasn't seen again.]

Mars Phoenix Lander Anomalous Object 2

New Mexico Aliens 3

Short UFO fact: [5 Oct 1976: Rankins Springs,a credit manager, aged twenty six, was returning home from a trip with a friend and his younger daughter. Approaching a rise in the road he saw an object in the sky low down and stationary. It then travelled in a south- east to north-west direction at about forty five degrees to the horizon. It had the appearance of a flattened disc, swollen at the front with "portholes." The car radio had been on all the time but upon the object's appearance it had ceased to operate.]

Ufo Haiti

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Aliens In Australia

Real Ufo 4

Short UFO fact: [Black Aircraft is experimental top secret aircraft whose development is paid for out of the black budget. The U-2 spy plane, the SR-71 Blackbird, and the Stealth Fighter all began as "Black Aircraft." Many of these aircraft are tested at Area 51. Many believe some UFO sightings are of the black aircraft.]

Ufo 2007 France

Religion Ufo 4

Short UFO fact: [Some UFOs have been reported to be cigar-shaped. Because of the observor's position to the unknown object, shapes of UFOs may vary, and often a disc-shaped will appear to be a different shape, like a cigar.]

The Energy 106 Alien Abductions Belfast

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Aliens For Real

Dead Alien Body 2

Short UFO fact: [May 1971: Strahan, Tas. Travelling home, a family were startled by the appearance of a bright light above the road. The vehicle's lights failed and the driver stopped the engine. They got out to have a look, then got back in, and the car's lights came back on by themselves. As they drove on, the light kept it's speed to theirs. It disappeared when they were almost in Queenstown. (TUFOIC.) ]


Dead Alien Body 3

Short UFO fact: [8 Aug 1971: Kadina, SA A Mr Boyce, fifty one, left Wallaroo and was driving back to Kadina, alone in his car. About five kilometres out of town his surroundings were illuminated by an orange hue. Suddenly the engine stopped and the lights went out. The ignition light on the dashboard failed to come on, and despite efforts the engine could not be restarted. He steered the car to the side of the road and braked to a halt. Getting out he saw, at fifty metres altitude, an oval shape with three to four "windows". It was stationary, almost directly above the car. It remained motionless for two to three minutes with a continuous buzzing sound being audible. It then left to the south- east. Before it was completely out of sight, he got in the car and started the engine, with the lights then coming on. (Keith Basterfield.) ]

Ufo German

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Alien Word

Ufo Mexica

Short UFO fact: [FEMA is acronym for Federal Emergency Management Agency. It's referred to s the "Secret Governmet" of the USA. It was founded in the Richard Nixon Administrations, refined by Jimmy Carter and both the Ronald Reagan and George Bush administrations. When created it had one original concept, in case of a nuclear attack on the US Nations it should assure the survivability of US government.]

Larry King Cnn The U K Ufo Files Part 1

Ufo Movie

Short UFO fact: [FLYING SAUCER. When Kenneth Arnold reported his 1947 daylight sighting of nine boomerang-shaped UFOs over the north west of the USA, a newspaper covered the story and called the crafts "flying saucers" because Arnold said that their movements were similar to that of a saucer skipping across the surface of a lake despite the fact that the UFOs weren't saucer-shaped. The name stuck.]

Wife And Husband Encounter Ufo And Aliens In Australia

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