Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ufo Contact At The Eceti Ranch In 2011

Ufo Contact At The Eceti Ranch In 2011 Image
A new image shows a UFO that appeared to witnesses "as bright as a second sun" crossing the skies over the ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake Washington on the evening of Monday, June 27, 2011. The event was just one in a series of ongoing sightings that occurred during the previous four nights, captured in both visible light and infrared night vision using a stereo camera imaging system.

The image also shows lights on Mt. Adams accompanied by mysterious flights over the peak, a UFO that disappears in mid-air while flying in clear skies, witnesses using lights to engage luminous vehicles, orbs swarming around a low-flying UFO and incredible acceleration when what appears to be an inter-dimensional spaceship makes a rapid exit.

Tags: studies ufo jun  wright patterson base  hovers russian village  sulby isle man  jaime maussan ufo  ufo sightings states  ghost hunting beings  might indicate  


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