Saturday, July 14, 2012

A3 Esher Surrey 11th April 2011

A3 Esher Surrey 11th April 2011 Image
Location of Sighting: A3 Esher surrey

Date of Sighting: 11 april 2011

Time: 20 35

Witness Name: David H

Witness Statement: I was driving home on the A3 between Esher and Weybridge, I noticed a bright white light above the feild to my right, at first I thought it was normal light but I saw a star above the light and a plane in the distance, the plane was moving but the light and star was static. I looked more and noticed no flashing indicators, so confirmed this was not an aircraft, I passed two trees clumped together, I passed them in 2/3 seconds and the light just vanished. This light was to bright and to high to be a on a pole or tower. So I believe this to be unitentified flying object.


Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form.

Tags: atlantis was alien  aliens sightings  ufo real life  ghost hunters investigators  ufo movie  binary crop circle  true ghost help  new explains ufos  


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