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Date: October 31, 2003Time: Around midnight.
I have never spoken of this outside of family and closest friends. On October 31, 2003 seven people including myself witnessed I believe these very same orbs in Houston, Texas at around midnight. They appeared from the south flying very low in formation, at least 7 or 8 right above a freeway. They actually seemed to see us running down the street to get a better look and came towards us, so low they were barely over the tree tops. It was the most amazing thing I have seen in my life.
There is a video on this website right now of a sighting in Turkey, the last 20 seconds clearly show what I believe to be the same orbs. These things can move incredibly fast, amazingly agile and completely silent to the human ear. But they seemed to respond to us in a friendly manner, dancing about in unison almost like they were performing a show. If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept confidential."
Tags: area ufo sightings alex contact human spiral recorded strange sighting come activity house features ufo witness geometry messages guest peter alien abductees
Argentina like most countries in South America has had a long history of UFO sightings. On January 2009 there was a UFO sighted in Argentina where many people witnessed the amazing sight as they pulled over along the highway filming the bright light descend. Astonished commuters stopped their vehicles to view one of the clearest sightings of a low flying UFO ever near Buenos Aires in Argentina. The event occurred at 8:41 PM on January 24 2009 besides the heavily polluted Cascallares Dam. Stunned witnesses dived into their cars for cell phones and one even was able to pull a pair of binoculars out of his boot. They then watched the most unworldly of objects rise and descend almost to road level while enthusiastically declaring it a UFO.
One witness, Mr Christian Soldano, was lucky enough to be carrying a high quality video camera with night vision and was able to capture this curious event. His astonishing film can be seen below.
Many have observed that this is simply one in a sequence of many sightings involving UFOs,Lakes and Dams in Argentina, further strengthening the theory that visiting extraterrestrials are using these lakes to park and conceal their UFOs and possibly build bases here on earth.
Tags: crop sacred real life aliens ufo investigated ufo google earth vital addition theory video nasa lawson professor researcher contactee lee hill absurdities adams bures
A man walking along the seafront in the popular northeast Malta tourist town of Qawra photographed a UFO.
The twenty-nine-year-old witness, who was visiting from Romania, saw the UFO hovering over the sea on Thursday, July 12 at approximately 8:00 PM. He explains, "I was out walking, when, all of a sudden, I saw something appear in the sky. It disappeared in a matter of a few seconds." He managed to quickly photograph the object with his cell phone camera, but was unable to determine the identity of the object. The witness describes the UFO as a dark, triangle-shaped object that moved at a high rate of speed.
UFO over Qawra. (Credit: Zfort Ertfay/Times of Malta)The "Times of Malta" reports that an elaborate military exercise by the Armed Forces of Malta, which included a helicopter, took place in the same area on that day, but the exercise occurred two hours after the sighting.
No reports of unusual aerial objects were received, and the Malta Air Traffic Services told the "Times of Malta", "From an air traffic management perspective, all aircraft flying at that hour were accounted for."
The witness's photo of the object is blurry and provides little detail. Judging by the photo alone, the object resembles a seagull in flight. But if the witness's testimony is accurate, and he did observe the object hovering over the sea before taking off, then the bird theory does not fit this particular situation.
We would love to hear your opinion about this photo. Share your thoughts with us on the Open Minds Facebook page.
Tags: base lunar ufo city footage series return skeptic klass ufo earth ufo probes jim ghost not adventures back ghost back
Location of Sighting: A3 Esher surrey
Date of Sighting: 11 april 2011
Time: 20 35
Witness Name: David H
Witness Statement: I was driving home on the A3 between Esher and Weybridge, I noticed a bright white light above the feild to my right, at first I thought it was normal light but I saw a star above the light and a plane in the distance, the plane was moving but the light and star was static. I looked more and noticed no flashing indicators, so confirmed this was not an aircraft, I passed two trees clumped together, I passed them in 2/3 seconds and the light just vanished. This light was to bright and to high to be a on a pole or tower. So I believe this to be unitentified flying object.
Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form.
Tags: atlantis was alien aliens sightings ufo real life ghost hunters investigators ufo movie binary crop circle true ghost help new explains ufos
David Rudiak recently updated his website about the 1994 Nellis Range UFO video.
"The Nellis Range UFO video is virtually unique among those in
the public domain in that an unidentified anomalous flying
object was not only captured in close-up by a military camera,
but also included overlaid tracking data and a time stamp,
permitting precise calculation of the trajectory and flight
characteristics, such as velocity and acceleration. In addition,
the video also has voices of various military range operators
discussing the object and trying to identify it without success.
"Among anomalous characteristics, the calculated data indicates that the object was capable of flying from 30 to 700 miles per hour, yet it is a rotating, multi-lobed, non-streamlined object (animation right). How the craft could fly at such high speed without streamlining is not clear. It also displays multiple
bursts of high acceleration/deceleration. The high speeds and
accelerations also rule out many conventional flying objects such as balloons, helicopters, or propeller driven aircraft.
Furthermore, the object shows no evidence of a propulsion
system, such as external engines or a trail that might be
expected from a jet- or rocket-propelled aircraft capable of such high speeds and accelerations. Finally, the object was highly maneuverable, executing a right-angle turn and going into steep climbs."
"The revised discussion has detailed maps, new graphs of performance and trajectory, and animations.
Tags: witness malta antonio alien sexual investigations worked russian kgb investigating photos real aliens why people alien public office roswell series alien coming out
Date: Fall 2010 (?)
Time: 8:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 5
I wish I could remember the exact time and date. I think it was early Fall of 2010. I walked from my house to barbecue hut on St-Charles Blvd in Kirkland, Qc. In the parking lot a young man in his 20's was looking up in the sky and pointed out what he thought were strange aircraft in the sky. The crafts were high altitude. Looking south in trajectory with St-Charles Blvd, I would estimate that the craft were hovering over Lac St-Louis near the Beaconsifeld shore line less than 2 km from my position.
The 5 crafts looked like stars (small white fuzzy dots), and hovered for a while slowly swaying, but not going really anywhere. One craft moved more than the rest. I focused my attention on that craft for a minute and all of a sudden it made a quick tight zigzag maneuver for about 3 seconds! When I say tight zig-zag, I mean it went in a straight general trajectory over a distance of at least 300 to 500 meters, but went right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left in the span of about 3 seconds!
Imagine going 100 meters a second in one direction while zig-zagging left, right, left every second at the same time.
A normal aircraft would get torn apart from the G-forces of such a maneuver.
I could only imagine an anti-gravity craft could possibly pull something like that off. To me it looked like a black project flight test, but who knows what I saw? I chatted with the young man for a few minutes and then he got in his car and left while I went to get my take out chicken. When I came out of the restaurant, the objects were still in the sky. I could still see them for a portion of my walk back home.
Has anyone else seen a craft that can do quick tight zig-zag flight maneuvers? If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept confidential."
Tags: ufo might ufo cartoon pictures gray alien area aliens evidence area alien facts police confirm real new mexico alien donald shrum
Me and my parents, sister and cousin where driving home from my cousins house between 12pm to 1am traveling from the direction of Ratzer Rd on Valley Rd, heading towards the direction of Riverview Dr. I was sitting in the back of the car and had looked out the back window and noticed a light over the road heading toward us. When it passed over us we were about 100 from the first entrance to High School on the right. My parents were talking and I said look a UFO, they first didn't respond then I said it louder.
When it passed over it went slighting in a right direction where at that time there had been a old church converted to a PAL building with a roughly 40 foot Pine tree next to it. Today they are both gone and the main entrance is now there. When my mother saw it she said what is that and told my father to pull into the High school entrance. We parked by the front doors of school and the UFO was about 6 feet above the tree. The UFO was, I would say, around 40 diameter and as I can remember seemed as though the top was turning in one direction and the bottom the other and the middle seemed to be all boxed lights not moving with a glowing look.
The UFO was stationary for about a minute or two and again as I remember no one in the car was talking. Now in the direction of Preakness Ave which is a hill heading towards Paterson about two miles out you could see a small planes lights flying over Paterson guessing 2000 ft elevation. I didnt notice this until the UFO headed that way. When the UFO took off it went in the direction of the plane when it was just above the plane did this in less then a second then went vertical over it and disappeared. I had mentioned it at school to a school mate the following school year whose mother called my mother because the had been in West Paterson that night at a party and saw it.
The odd thing was years later, when brought only 2 of the 5 had no memory of the encounter. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Tags: secret photo album ufology ancient series aliens pictures real saved nuke sulby isle aquarius project final shuttle continues secrets put map