Short UFO fact: [Case and point: A UFO event of mass proportion: a giant Alien spaceship hovering over one of our major cities, threatening our very existence. A scenario from "War of the Worlds," "Independence Day," or "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? NO! it is NOT science fiction, it has ALREADY happened. When? February 25th, 1942 in the Los Angeles area. The early morning hours of 2-25-42 would bring the first alerts of an invasion. Naturally, the first thought in the minds of everyone was that another wave of Japanese planes was attacking America on its own soil. Citizens of Culver City and Santa Monica would be the first to witness the surreal sight of a giant unknown object hovering over the suburban areas of Los Angeles.]
Out Look Of Alex Collier From A Greys Prospective
Short UFO fact: [At an isolated location miner Udo Wartena saw a large disc shaped object about 35 foot high and over 100 feet across hovering above a meadow. The object resembled two soup plates, one inverted over the other and stainless steel in appearance. Wartena then saw a staircase unfold from the bottom of the craft. Out of it came a man who asked him if the ship could take some water. The man then invited Wartena inside the object. They told Wartena that their ship was powered "by hydrogen extracted from water, that created its own gravitational field." When Wartena left the ship, it rose straight into the air and quickly disappeared. ]
Historys Ufo Hunters All New Oct 29th Sneak Peek
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