Friday, July 22, 2011

Shadow People Ghost Footage Found In 1997

Shadow People Ghost Footage Found In 1997 Image
The shadow people is the term given for repeat sightings found near the town of Emerson of a ghostly spirit found in the woods.. It was given this name by its shadow appearance seen reportedly since 1957, later in 1997 a camera was found in the woods by a local game hunter near the town of Emerson.. Above is a YouTube version of the footage found with some introduction history attached..

"I will let you decide what you think though and comment about it below.. If this footage about a spirit known as the shadow people is a fake, it definitely is well done.."

Tags: alien incident  alien ufo pictures  ufo movie  ufo drawing  nasa documents about  kenneth arnold sighting  third kind  area history aliens  crash pictures  


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