(Image above - Ghost Hunters Paranormal Investigators - Jason and Grant - TAPS)
To begin with I wanted to take my hat off to this crew of investigators as they wade through the rigmarole of those that do not want to except there is anything paranormal out there. They would know this feeling well and for any in there shoes in a similar situation it is always the same.. Many people will always prefer to close there eyes to understanding rather than be open to possibilities.. A perfect example is say you never believed in a ghost or paranormal then one day you happened to sleep in a haunted house and have an experience.. Do you choose to believe now or do you choose to commit yourself to a psych ward or thirdly do you continue to doubt everything even with the experience..
The third one funnily enough is the common one, people generally are so afraid of themselves that choosing to ignore these apparitions makes it easier on them.. That way everyone can giggle about it later and forget another day, yet deep down I feel everyone knows in a way what is real and what is not.. The universe tells us we are not alone, yet millions still claim Aliens do not exist, is it because they believe this deeply or is it because of fear.. I tell you now it is fear.. It is so obvious other lifeforms are out there.. I mean by saying there not, is like saying the earth is flat, am I right..?
Anyways back to my point on the Ghost Hunters show, the amount of ridicule is common in this profession. It sorts the people that understand the real world from those that do not.. Whether something is a prank or not, none of this can be fully determined, however put yourself in there shoes for a minute, would you go into these haunted places..? And if you did would you make a joke of it..? I mean there is mucking around and then there is risking your life..
If you ask me the Ghost Hunters are genuine, this type of Field of study and investigation is always going to questioned.. "What do you think..?"
Tags: alien evidence total number ufo close encounters alien moon short about area nasa ufo videos alien incident nasa bilder tech area radio ufo real
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