Short UFO fact: [StarChild UFO Theory : There is a theory that aliens are conducting some genetic experiment on earth.They are taking women and impregnating them with Starchildren.A typical victim is a woman.although sometimes it could be a male.The first clue of this came in october 1957,when Brazillian farmer Antonio Villas-Boas was led aboarda UFO by several small humanoid creatures,before being seduced by a beautiful female Alien with bright red Pubic hair.Afterwards,she pointed to her belly and to the sky in a gesture that he interpreted to mean that she was going to have his baby up somewhere out in space.Villas-Boas was embarrased by the tale and spoke of it at length only to a Doctor in Rio De Jeneiro,who found he was suffering from mild radiation sickness.The story was not published in Brazil for many years,But it was logged with British UFO journal,Flying Saucer Review,which eventually published it in 1964.]
Ufo Over Hollywood
Short UFO fact: [Heaven's Gate UFO Theory : The quasi-relegious UFO theories of Marshall Applewhite,leader of Heaven Gate Cult,had lethal consequences for his followers,his belief was that a UFO was heading towards earth in wake of Hale-Bopp comet to take his followers to 'Next Level' led to the biggest mass suicide in North America.It became clear that something was terribly wrong when on 25 March 1997,Fed Ex delivered a package of video cassettes to San Diego CA,home of ex-cult member Richard Ford.The Tapes were from Marshall applewhite.when Ford played the cassettes,he found that they were essentially videotaped suicide notes,with cult members giving what they termed exit statements.For more on this,Do a google on the cult.]
Top Secret Ufos With Bob Lazar 4 Of 6
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