Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Solarian Federation

Crop Sircle Extraterrestrials 3

Short UFO fact: [FEMA is acronym for Federal Emergency Management Agency. It's referred to s the "Secret Governmet" of the USA. It was founded in the Richard Nixon Administrations, refined by Jimmy Carter and both the Ronald Reagan and George Bush administrations. When created it had one original concept, in case of a nuclear attack on the US Nations it should assure the survivability of US government.]

Ufo Caught On Tape

Dead Alien Newyork 3

Short UFO fact: [FLYING SAUCER. When Kenneth Arnold reported his 1947 daylight sighting of nine boomerang-shaped UFOs over the north west of the USA, a newspaper covered the story and called the crafts "flying saucers" because Arnold said that their movements were similar to that of a saucer skipping across the surface of a lake despite the fact that the UFOs weren't saucer-shaped. The name stuck.]

Ufo Over Germany 2007

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Tags: crash site  alien moon  earth aliens  newest sightings  alien real  nasa bilder  aliens encounters  extraterrestrials video  alien planet facts  


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