Short UFO fact: [UFOROM is a private, non-profit and volunteer organisation which is involved in rational discourse, investigation and research on UFOs and related phenomena. It was formed in 1975. All types of UFO-related phenomena have been studied by UFOROM, including traces, crash-retrievals, abductions and cattle mutilations. In addition, some UFOROM associates also study fortean and psychic phenomena. UFOROM publishes an annual survey of UFO activity in Canada, comparable to the Ferrughelli reports on American cases. Case data is provided by co-operative Canadian researchers across Canada.]
Ufo Mother Ship Here Now Hard Proof Even Skeptics Are Speechless
Short UFO fact: [ULTERRANS - (OR ULTRATERRESTRIALS) are said to be people who have been encountered at times entering or leaving an 'alternate' or 'parallel' existence, yet still operating within the ONE 'reality'. It is very unlikely that more than one 'physical reality' like ours exists, yet there is a theoretical possibility that another CO-EXISTENT 'world' might exist on the opposite end or polarity of the electromagnetic barrier. Many humanoid and/or neo-sauroian inhabitants of this 'alternate' world if it exists originally came from our own 'world' through some type of vortex or through hi-tech means.]
Ufo Moscow
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