Monday, May 17, 2010

Crop Circles Facts

Video Archive 3

Short UFO fact: [TELOSIAN is a tall, blond inhabitants of a re-established network of subsurface antediluvian colonies located throughout the Western States, and concentrated around Mt. Shasta in northern California. They are sometimes referred to erroneously as 'Lemurians' as it is believed that the cavern cities which they re-discovered and built upon were once part of an antediluvian civilization called 'Lemuria'.]

Wtc Plane 1 Crash

Aquarius Project 3

Short UFO fact: [TEROS (TELOS) is a term describing various human groups who inhabit the cavern systems and re-established antediluvian cities beneath the North American continent. Many of these may be descended from early American colonists, while others are apparently descended from older civilizations such as ancient native Americans who went underground hundreds and/or thousands of years ago. The nemesis of the Tero are the 'dero', which apparently consist of draconian or reptilian controlled elements (Evadamic).]

Second Plane Crash A Rare View From Inside

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