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DESCRIPTION: My mother and I experienced an encounter in Quincy, Missouri around 1974. It was in the middle of the night and everyone was asleep. I slept in the back bedroom with my brothers. My bed was under the window where you could see our 3 calves. I awoke to the calves crying. I heard this humming noise. I tried to get up to see what it was, but I was pinned to the bed. It felt like a pressure holding me down. I couldn't even speak and the humming went away after a couple minutes. My mother was awoken by the humming.
She said that she could not move nor did she even attempt to. My mother heard our dog pinned up against the front door. We never told anyone because they would laugh at us, but we discussed it twice now since then. The next day our calves were fine and so was our dog. We on the other hand were still in disbelief. Around the 1970s we remember that there was a lot of activity in the sky.
NOTE: The witness is correct that there was a lot of UFO activity in 1970s. The early and mid 1970s were rich with close encounters, humanoid encounters, and flying disk sightings.
Tags: abc phoenix ufos about ufo release ufo files ufo case files six activity house ghost hunter holes universes latest sighting
Latest UFOs could be 'looking to colonise'
April 27th, 2010
IT SEEMS backpackers and grey nomads are not the only life-forms that come back to the Northern Territory for the start of the dry season.
There has been a spate of UFO sightings across the NT in the past week and high-profile Acacia Hills UFO spotter Alan Ferguson said the UFOs were back in his patch on Sunday night - the first time they had been seen since last dry season.
"They are back, son," he said.
"It's always the way, right on cue. The dry season starts and there they are. They are like the grey nomads. Once the dry season comes, you can't get rid of them."
Mr Ferguson said his latest sighting came in the form of a bright white light that flashed past his home about 8pm on Sunday. "It just looked like the International Space Station - a big white light," he said.
"When it moves across it looks like a satellite, except it's huge.
"It's exactly the same thing that I saw at this time last year."
Mr Ferguson's latest sighting follows another at Howard Springs on Friday. Susan Clarke said she and her family witnessed a "huge spherical object" moving slowly across the night sky about 8pm.
"It was glowing red, orange and gold - none of us had ever seen anything like it before," she said.
Our UFO spotters have the backing of one of the world's top physicists in their belief life exists beyond planet Earth.
Professor Stephen Hawking said this week killer aliens do exist and could wipe out the human race.
"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," he said. "I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet.
"Such advanced aliens would become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise planets they reach."
--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring
Tags: finally science recognise real pic zona nevada aliens real photos ufo siteings wright air base ghost waverly popular haunts
David Rudiak recently updated his website about the 1994 Nellis Range UFO video.
"The Nellis Range UFO video is virtually unique among those in
the public domain in that an unidentified anomalous flying
object was not only captured in close-up by a military camera,
but also included overlaid tracking data and a time stamp,
permitting precise calculation of the trajectory and flight
characteristics, such as velocity and acceleration. In addition,
the video also has voices of various military range operators
discussing the object and trying to identify it without success.
"Among anomalous characteristics, the calculated data indicates that the object was capable of flying from 30 to 700 miles per hour, yet it is a rotating, multi-lobed, non-streamlined object (animation right). How the craft could fly at such high speed without streamlining is not clear. It also displays multiple
bursts of high acceleration/deceleration. The high speeds and
accelerations also rule out many conventional flying objects such as balloons, helicopters, or propeller driven aircraft.
Furthermore, the object shows no evidence of a propulsion
system, such as external engines or a trail that might be
expected from a jet- or rocket-propelled aircraft capable of such high speeds and accelerations. Finally, the object was highly maneuverable, executing a right-angle turn and going into steep climbs."
"The revised discussion has detailed maps, new graphs of performance and trajectory, and animations.
Tags: account abduction walton was philadelphia experiment ufo circle circles location extraterrestrial sightings alien crash could thought report possible exam